Did Prince Harry Really Once Say This About Kate Middleton?

Before the news of the royal family's feud dominated headlines, Prince William, his younger brother Prince Harry, and his wife Kate Middleton, all appeared to have a wonderful and loving relationship. Author Christopher Andersen recently told the "Royally US" podcast that Harry's exit from the royal family with his wife Meghan Markle has had a huge impact on everyone, including his sister-in-law Kate (via Express).


Harry and Kate reportedly once shared a close bond with one another. "Harry was always close to Kate and he always said she was the sister he never had," Andersen said. The author went on to reveal that Harry was "very emotional" during William and Kate's wedding and even "cried" when they tied the knot. "He described her as his sister and she got emotional too. They always had this banter, they had similar senses of humor," he added, revealing that they both felt a "responsibility to William."

Sadly, since William and Harry's rift began, the Duke of Sussex has also lost contact with Kate as well. "The strain is undeniable," Andersen said. The situation is a bit heartbreaking, as it has been revealed that Harry played a large part in William and Kate's relationship, and even made some very heartwarming statements about his sister-in-law in the past.


Harry reportedly said he'd only give up Princess Diana's engagement ring for Kate

Yahoo reports that long before Prince William and Prince Harry's feud, the brothers were the best of friends. When William began dating Kate Middleton, it appeared that the trio was going to be the new face of the modern monarchy. Harry was so sure that Kate was the right person for his older brother that he even encouraged William to win Kate back after the couple went through a brief breakup early in their relationship. Harry reportedly told William that he was "crazy" for not being with Kate. "I don't care what Papa said, Kate is the best thing that ever happened to you!" Harry allegedly told William, according to Christopher Andersen's new book "Brothers and Wives: Inside the Private Lives of William, Kate, Harry, and Meghan."


Of course, William and Kate did eventually get back together, and when it came time for the older prince to pop the question he wanted to give his future wife a very sentimental piece of jewelry — his mother Princess Diana's former engagement ring. Although Harry was reportedly reluctant at first, he ultimately agreed that Kate could have the ring. "Harry joked with his brother that, under other circumstances, he might not be so willing to fork over the ring: 'If it was any other girl...'" he said, according to the book.

The story reveals just how close Harry, William, and Kate once were, and fans are hoping that one day the royals can mend fences and get back their close bond.

