What Princess Diana's Daily Routine Was Really Like Post-Divorce

The world is fascinated with the royals, and particularly with the late Princess Diana. Between her seemingly short stint in the royal family and her tragic death, people constantly want to know more about "The People's Princess."


What did she wear? What did she do? What was her routine? Well, it turns out that post-divorce from Prince Charles, her routine was actually pretty normal — normal by the standards of someone who was once literally a princess.

According to Michael Hubs and Sarah Marshall of the "You're Wrong About" podcast, Princess Diana had a very specific routine after she got divorced. The podcast shares that Princess Diana secretly wrote a book with journalist Andrew Morton and shared all about her life, including her routine.

If you're looking for a new morning routine, this probably isn't the advice for you. But if you're oddly curious about this royal's life, you will not be disappointed.

Princess Diana reportedly kept a pretty strict routine

Celebrities: They're just like us. Except, perhaps, getting your hair done every single day and having enough time to chat on the phone every morning. According to the "You're Wrong About" podcast, that's pretty much what Princess Diana's life consisted of.


"The princess's daily routine rarely varied," Michael Hubs says on the podcast. "Her day started promptly at 7 a.m. after a light breakfast of pink grapefruit, homemade muesli, or granary toast. She departed for her daily workout at the exclusive Chelsea Harbor Club around 9 a.m."

The podcast host adds that she then got her hair done each day and talked to her friends on the phone for much of the morning. While that might seem like the good life, it's honestly pretty lonely.

Considering that Princess Diana had to give up many perks of being royal after the divorce, it makes sense that she would live a somewhat normal life. According to Reader's Digest, she lost her police protection, her title, and almost all of her staff when she split from Prince Charles. The only staff members she was allowed to keep, according to the publication, were her cleaner, cook, and dresser. While that might seem exciting, you have to consider that she likely couldn't trust many people in her life, so they were essentially the only people she had. 


She lived a lonely life at Kensington Palace after her divorce

What many people don't realize is that Princess Diana lived at Kensington Palace even after her divorce (via Marie Claire). While she had a pretty solid routine every morning, she was still living on royal grounds. That means that she wasn't allowed to just invite people over whenever she wanted.


In fact, Michael Hubs on the "You're Wrong About" podcast shares that she kept pretty much to herself. (You know, when she wasn't lunching with Elton John.) "Some days she'll have friends over for lunch or she'll go have lunch with whatever, Elton John or whoever she wants to," Hubs shares on the podcast. "But most days she just has lunch by herself in the house."

Hubs goes on to say that she didn't get a whole lot of time with her children, either. "Under the terms of the separation, she gets the kids every other weekend and on half of the holidays." His co-anchor adds that it's basically the same amount of time that Tim Allen was allotted with his fictional son in "The Santa Claus."

Overall, Princess Diana's routine might be sound, but she lived a very isolated life. It couldn't have been easy to keep normalcy when her life changed so much post-divorce. 


