Is This How Prince William Spends His Nights Off?

Royals are just as much like us normal people as they're not. While we both occasionally get days off, some of us spend our time in posh secret clubs with celebrities and the others, well, don't. If you haven't worked out which is which yet, allow us to tell you how one member of the royal family spent his night off. According to the Daily Mail, Prince William spent the night out with celebrities at a Christmas party at a members' only club. No, this is not the plot of a movie about secret agents. It's just a holiday break night out. 


While there's no word on what William was doing inside the club, something tells us it was not catching up with old high school friends over Christmas drinks. Like we said, royals are kind of like us and kind of not. He was seen with singer James Blunt and his wife, so maybe there was some karaoke involved after all. 

All jokes aside, it's nice to see William getting a much-needed night off. Here are all the details that we do know about his holiday break night out, so you can really see how the other half lives. 

Prince William spent his night out at a members' only club

For the record, there are not too many nights out for Prince William. After all, when you're as high-profile as a royal, you tend to get noticed. But a private members-only club is the perfect route, if you are looking for a night on the town. As the Daily Mail reports, William went to a Christmas party at the private Oswald's club in London — because if you're looking to have a relaxing night out as a royal, you might as well spend it with people looking to lay just as low as you.


The publication reports that William went to the party sans family, but with James Blunt and his wife. He was also reportedly joined by Holly Valance and her billionaire husband Nick Candy. He was seen smirking in the back of a car on his way back to Kensington Palace.

Of course, royals are a tad bit like the rest of us. According to Hello! Magazine, he was seen leaving the party at 7:30 p.m., which sounds like a move that we would do too. Whether William was hoping to get home early to his family or just super exhausted from the recent Daylight Savings Time, the world may never know.

It's normal for royals to get some time off

While Prince William does not take many nights off, it is not uncommon for the family to get some time away from their official duties. Of course, you can't drop your royalty while you're away, but you do get time off (via Showbiz CheatSheet). It makes sense that William would want to stay a bit private on his night off, and a members-only club is a great option for that.


In fact, William and his entire family — Kate Middleton and his three children — recently took a secret vacation, according to Marie Claire. While there's no word on exactly where they went, it was a big deal that his entire family was on the same plane. Express reports that the royal family is never supposed to be in the same place or car as each other when traveling, so the family had to get special permission to travel on the same plane for their recent vacation.

When you take that into consideration, it seems pretty normal that William had a night out at a members-only club alone. Everyone needs a night out every once and a while. 

