Ben Higgins Reveals Why His New Slice Of Home Campaign Is So Important - Exclusive

Ben Higgins has always had a taste for adventure. His desire to "shake life up a bit" inspired him to sign up for "The Bachelor," and he enjoyed two seasons with the franchise — first as a contestant on "The Bachelorette," then as the Bachelor himself. And Ben's life since "The Bachelor" has been a whirlwind of activity. He owns two restaurants, is now working on opening a third, and hosts a podcast, "Hope Still Wins." He has also written a book, "Alone in Plain Sight," that shares his insights about making meaningful personal connections in an often-superficial and disconnected world — such as the glamorous but artificial environment of "The Bachelor." (And while doing all this, he somehow had time to fall in love with and get engaged to Jessica Clarke.)


Now, Ben is launching into a new endeavor in collaboration with Rudy's Rocky Mountain Bakery: "Slice of Home," a social media campaign celebrating homemade meals, family, and community. This seems like a far cry from the glitz and glamor of "The Bachelor," but for Ben, the project and its mission made perfect sense. 

In this exclusive interview, Ben reveals why "Slice of Home" matters and why it means so much to him personally.

Sharing meals is one of his favorite things

For Ben Higgins, food has always been more than just fuel. Instead, it's been an important way for people to connect and celebrate each other's company. "My parents didn't have a lot of rules in life, but I think one of the things that was best was they always said when we can, and when you're able, we're going to have dinner around a table together," Ben said. "And so it was always important. It's always been important to me to share those memories with others, my friends and my family still breaking bread, having dinner, having conversation, focusing on each other."


His well-known love of communal meals is what inspired him to open two restaurants — and it's also why Rudy's reached out to him and proposed the campaign. "And so when Rudy's Rocky Mountain Bakery came to me and said, 'Hey, we're doing this Slice of Home campaign,' and the whole thing's focusing on that we can make memories breaking bread together. And that Rudy's Rocky Mountain Bakery can be a part of that,' I said, 'I'm in, this fits me,'" he said. 

In the "Slice of Home" campaign, Ben said he will share his family's sandwich recipes, such as his mother's California club with home-grown vegetables, along with how he enjoys them with friends. He added that the campaign will also include giveaways such as toasters, gift certificates, and bread from Rudy's.


Slice of Home resonates with Ben's personal values

Ben Higgins said that he can afford to be picky about the endorsement deals he takes — and he signed on for "Slice of Home" because he believes in the message and the product. "You got to kind of pick and choose which ones fit you, which ones you feel like fit your story and your life's image and what you want to stand for," he said. "It makes sense for me because of my work in the food industry and because of my desire to sit around a table. A lot of what you do with these kind of campaigns is buy into the brand, and I'm bought in."


Another plus for him was the opportunity to promote another business in his community — having adopted Denver as his hometown, he's committed to looking after his neighbors. "I love supporting Colorado business, and Rudy's Rocky Mountain Bakery is a Colorado business. And so it's important for me to support them in whatever ways I can," he said.

Follow Ben Higgins, Rudi's Rocky Mountain Bakery, and the "Slice of Home" campaign on Instagram.

