A Former Trump Aide Says This Will Happen If Donald Trump Wins In 2024

There is plenty of speculation over whether Donald Trump will run for a second term in 2024 — but if he does, and if he wins, there are a few people who can't expect to be invited back to work in the White House under a new Trump administration particularly since, as he once declared, "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty" (via Politico).


One of those is Trump's former director of strategic communications and assistant to the president, Alyssa Farah, who recently appeared on CNN to predict a dire future for the country if Trump were to return to the White House as president in 2024. She told Jake Tapper that she is convinced Trump would try and impose autocratic rule over the country, especially since, "There were things that he wanted to do when he was in power the first time that were well beyond the scope of what the U.S. president should be able to do, but oftentimes it was simply the motivation of hoping to win reelection that kept him from doing things. It's very different in the second term and I think that's what scares me the most," she said.


Farah also believes Trump would have no qualms about doing things other presidents would think twice about, "whether it's weaponizing the justice department against political opponents, whether it's going after the free press, he would certainly be open to using the military for political reasons as well," she elaborated. 

Trump administration officials are unimpressed by their former boss

Another Trump administration official is making the rounds to talk about life in the White House; former National Security Adviser Fiona Hill, who revealed Donald Trump's admiration for Russian president Vladimir Putin knows no bounds. "He saw Putin as the kind of epitome of the badass populist, frankly, you know, the kind of person that he wanted to be: super-rich, super powerful, no checks and balances, and essentially being able to stay in power forever," Hill told the Daily Beast's "The New Abnormal" podcast


Alyssa Farah and Hill join former communications director Stephanie Grisham, who has also come forward to say Trump is not up to the task. "I don't think he is fit for the job. I think that he is erratic. I think that he can be delusional. I think that he is a narcissist and cares about himself first and foremost. And I do not want him to be our president again," Grisham told ABC News.

In early October 2021, The Washington Post reported that Trump was prepared to announce his candidacy for the 2024 race, but his advisers had told him to back down since the Democrats would likely use that against the GOP during the midterm elections. "The biggest point we drove home was that he doesn't want to own the midterms if we don't win back the House or Senate," an unnamed source told The Post. Another reason for the silence? "We're not supposed to be talking about it yet, from the standpoint of campaign finance laws, which frankly are ridiculous," Trump said. 


