Why Donald Trump Just Brought Back This Harsh Nickname For Joe Biden

Being president is an exhausting job, so spare a thought for poor Joe Biden, who's being endlessly mocked on social media after appearing to nod off while attending the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland. As The Independent reports, Biden was caught on camera, in a clip shared to Twitter by a Washington Post journalist, seemingly catching some Zs during the opening sessions. As a speaker told those gathered they all have the "power to make decisions and reach agreements which will affect the lives of generations to come," the commander-in-chief was seen shutting his eyes for around 20 seconds. An aide then gently roused him, causing Biden to turn his head and pay attention once more.


Biden is the oldest person to hold the office of president (he's turning 79 next month). Biden has been widely criticized for allegedly being too old to be mentally competent enough to occupy the highest office in the land, with critics even accusing him of being senile. Former President Donald Trump, whom Biden beat by a wide margin in the 2020 election, frequently suggested, on the campaign trail, that his opponent had mental issues. Trump typically cited Biden's slightly slow speech, the result of a stutter about which Biden has been open over the years. Now that the current president has been caught out taking a quick cat nap, for whatever reason, Trump is seizing the opportunity to call him out once more.


Donald Trump used an embarrassing incident to his advantage

According to the New York Post, former President Donald Trump sent out an email blast mocking Joe Biden for seemingly falling asleep during a speech at the COP26 climate change conference. "Even Biden couldn't stand hearing so much about the Global Warming Hoax, the 7th biggest Hoax in America, followed closely behind by the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2 and, of course, the 'No Collusion' finding of the Mueller Report," he railed. 


Trump added, "Biden went to Europe saying Global Warming is his highest priority, and then promptly fell asleep, for all the world to see, at the Conference itself. Nobody that has true enthusiasm and belief in a subject will ever fall asleep!" Trump nicknamed his rival "Sleepy Joe" during the 2020 presidential campaign, in a desperate bid to discredit Biden.

Trump has consistently pushed the widely-debunked conspiracy theory that global warming is a hoax. It's unclear whether the former president was accusing Biden of perpetuating an assumed fallacy or using it for political leverage, as conservative commentators have been accusing liberals of doing for years. As part of a $1.75 trillion social spending package, Biden has allocated $555 billion for proposed environmental spending and a further $1.2 trillion to finance weather resiliency programs. Elsewhere, $7.5 billion has been put aside for new electric vehicle charging stations, along with an additional $5 billion for electric school buses. 


