How To Get Rid Of Morning Breath

Have you ever avoided a smooch from a loved one in the AM? You hate to give them the cheek, but the thought of blessing their nostrils with your morning breath is cringeworthy. It's okay to admit. Morning breath is extremely common, so you're likely not the only one making a beeline for your toothbrush as soon as you wake up. "Everyone has morning breath to some degree," says periodontist Sally J. Cram (via Everyday Health).


The thick, slightly rancid smell is often happening because of two things: dryness and poor oral hygiene. Our saliva is responsible for washing away the stinky bacteria that can build up in our mouths. And when we sleep, our saliva production slows down dramatically, letting the bad bacteria fester and creating that less than pleasant smell. The same goes for poor oral hygiene. Any leftover food particles not scraped away with a toothbrush or floss make for a breeding ground of stinky bacteria (per Healthline).

Other reasons behind bad morning breath could be a smoking habit, certain allergies, or a side effect of certain medications (via Everyday Health). Knowing the cause of your sometimes embarrassing morning breath is a great start to preventing the issue. But luckily, we also have a few tips for you to try in addition to being more committed to your oral hygiene regimen and keeping your mouth hydrated.


Rethink your diet, and don't forget your tongue

You may be doing a good job at keeping your pearly whites squeaky clean, but the source of your bad breath could be coming from your tongue. "Eighty-five percent of bad breath comes from the tongue," says New York dentist Irwin Smigel, the president and founder of the American Society for Dental Aesthetics. "It really helps tremendously to use a tongue cleanser before you go to sleep, or anytime during the day" (via Everyday Health).


You may also want to rethink your diet. Popular foods like garlic and raw onions may be just what is needed to add a hit of flavor to a dish. But it could also be contributing to your mouth odor early the next day (via Healthline).

If you've kicked your smoking habit, reviewed your diet, and amped up your oral hygiene game and still have rancid-smelling morning breath, it could be the result of an underlying medical condition (per WebMD). If it becomes worrying or is really starting to bother you, consider making an appointment with your doctor to share your concerns. In the meantime, there really is no harm in giving your loved one the cheek instead of an early morning smooch.

