David And Victoria Beckham Share Their Secret To A Long Marriage

Hollywood used to have Brad Pitt and Angelia Jolie as their ultimate power couple, but the UK still has David and Victoria Beckham. Well, sort of, seeing as the couple and their family actually live in the States. But they've been an icon of celebrity love for years, ever since they met in the Manchester United players' lounge in 1997 (via Insider). "... Love at first sight does exist," Victoria told British Vogue in 2016, reminiscing on their meet cute. "Although you will get a little drunk, so exact details are hazy," she added.


A year later, the couple announced their engagement during a press conference (via Harper's Bazaar), and by 1999 the famous footballer and Posh Spice were officially married. 22 years — and four children later (via US Weekly) — the couple are still head over heels in love with each other. But how have David and Victoria Beckham maintained such a strong relationship over the past two decades, when so many celebrity marriages ultimately fail?

The couple have a strong bond and are very supportive of each other

During an appearance on "Good Morning America" (via YouTube), Victoria Beckham was asked to share her "marriage wisdom" that she would pass on to her children. "We're very supportive of each other," she said (via Independent), adding that David is "an incredible dad and a wonderful husband." It seems the main aspect of their relationship has always been to have "a lot of fun," along with supporting each other in everything they do. "It's about having fun and enjoying that person's company," Victoria said. "I genuinely love being with him, which is good after all these years — it's a bonus."


David shared similar sentiments as to why they have been so successful as a couple. "I think because we're a strong family unit," he said on an episode of BBC Radio 4's "Desert Island Discs" program (via Mashable). "We've got strong parents; we were brought up with the right values." While he acknowledged that everyone makes mistakes in their relationship and that marriage can be difficult at times, "it's about working through it," he said. "Whenever we've come up against tough times, you know, we know each other better than anybody knows us."

And for those who think the couple have stayed together because they're "a brand," David emphasized that they're together for one simple reason — love. "We stay together because we love each other; we stay together because we have four amazing children," he said.


