This Royal Expert Thinks Prince Harry Could Reveal Who Said Offensive Comments About Archie

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle relinquished their royal duties to escape the constant media scrutiny, but so far, that hasn't worked out too well for them. If anything, the British press has come down harder on them in the last year. The tabloids paint them as attention-seeking whiners whose claimed desire for privacy has gone by the wayside, thanks to their March 2021 Oprah Winfrey interview and their media projects. Certain royal experts, such as Piers Morgan, have been particularly critical of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and now a noted biographer is suggesting that Harry will soon be dropping another major bombshell. 


Prince Harry's memoir with Penguin Random House won't be released till 2022, but royals biographer Penny Junor is confident that it will contain revelations guaranteed to drive an even bigger wedge between him and his family. She recently told The Sun, "The publishers are going to want a lot for their money, such as naming this so-called racist."

Junor was referring, of course, to the allegations the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made in the Oprah interview. They alleged that when Meghan was pregnant with their son, Archie, a member of the royal family expressed concern over the possible color of the baby's skin. This sent shockwaves throughout the world and prompted a curt reply from the palace saying "recollections may vary" as to what was said (via the Associated Press). Harry reportedly told Winfrey later that neither Queen Elizabeth nor the late Prince Philip was the person in question, but has refused to divulge who did. 


Penny Junor thinks Harry's book may hurt his father

The Sun backed up the author's claim that the racist relative's name will be included in the book. The tab believes Harry and Meghan "are under pressure to release it."

Junor, author of such royal bios as "The Firm" and "Prince William: The Man Who Will Be King" (via Publishers Weekly), also seems convinced that Prince Harry is using his autobiography as a vehicle for slinging mud on his family – particularly his father, Prince Charles. "He's researching his mother's life, so he's going to be talking about his parents' marriage, the breakup, the affairs. That could be incredibly damaging for his father and Camilla," she told The Sun. "The last thing they or the country needs is another upsurge of anger based on what I believe to be false, false accusations."


But at least one supporter feels that the royal memoir won't be the explosive tell-all people like Junor are expecting. Omid Scobee, another author who follows the Sussexes closely, has told PureWow not to "expect fireworks and drama" from Harry. Scobee added that if the prince and his wife have any beef, it's with the palace as an entity, rather than any individuals within it. "We have seen that the couple are very good at distinguishing the difference between the family and the institution, so I do think that Harry will talk about issues within the institution and it may bring other issues to light — things that perhaps even pre-date Meghan."

