This Is Why You Should Always Have Duct Tape In Your Home

Jokes about the versatility of duct tape abound: car broken down? Duct tape! Broken heart? Duct tape! But as it turns out, there's a good reason for these jokes. Duct tape really is an incredibly versatile solution for more household issues and emergency situations than you might ever have realized, so keeping a role or two in your house (and maybe in your car and your camping kit) is a genuinely good idea. 


Let's say you're planning to wear some seriously sexy stilettos to an event, but the party is hosted somewhere with gleaming, polished (read: slippery) floors? You could say a prayer to the fashion gods that you'll make it through the night without face-planting, or you could slap a piece of duct tape the bottom of your shoe and create instant grip (via Best Life). Solved!

Or what if  you have a pesky planters wart and don't want to go to the doctor to get it frozen off? Simply cover the wart with a piece of duct tape and leave it there for six days (if the tape gets wet or the adhesive loosens, replace the tape). Then remove the tape, soak with water, and then gently rub the wart area with an emory board. Repeat until the wart is fully gone (via Backdoor Survival). 


From first aid needs to survival strategies to practical solutions for wardrobe malfunctions, duct tape can do it all!

More uses for duct tape you never thought of

One thing duct tape is truly excellent for is patching virtually anything (even watertight things) that have unfortunately been damaged or had holes poked in them (via One Good Thing). For instance, if you are camping and notice a leak in the tent or a hole where bugs are getting in: duct tape. Got a hose with a hole in it? Whether it's the hose on your vacuum or the sort that carries water in your garden, duct tape can patch it! You can also patch a water bottle, patch leaking pipes or air ducts, or even a leaking boat (via Backdoor Survival).  


And for injuries? Duct tape can be a real help. If you get a splinter but don't have tweezers with you, carefully place a piece of duct tape over the area and slowly pull off (via One Good Thing). The splinter should stick to the tape and be pulled out of your skin. You can also use it to stabilize a sprained ankle or make a sling for an injured arm or shoulder until you can receive medical care, or you can use it to help secure a (sterile) dressing over a wound until proper bandages can be located (via Backdoor Survival). 

And if you're an outdoorsy person, you can even cover the outside of an old tote bag with duct tape in order to create the perfect waterproof beach bag or outdoor adventure tote (via Best Life).  


