The Simple Parenting Trick Kate Middleton Was Just Caught Using On Prince George

Royal fans everywhere love watching Duchess Kate with her children. Especially after getting a glimpse at the family's dynamic on TV during the 2020 Euro Cup, many found themselves hungry for more public interactions between Kate Middleton, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.


England scored the first goal in a matter of minutes during the championship game and the family celebrated together with hugs and cheers. According to PureWow, in addition to mother and son's loving embrace when England's team scored, the two also had a bonding moment later in the match. The outlet notes that, when she addressed her eldest son during the game, she bent down to his level — a parenting tactic that may not seem like a big deal, but one that shows respect. By meeting children at eye level, it helps them feel less dominated and opens up clear lines of communication.

The 39-year-old duchess often kneels down to speak to her children in public and while she's meeting with youngsters during her royal duties. Indeed, PureWow notes that eagle-eyed fans have recognized Middleton speaking to her children and other children around the UK the same way. Indeed, Prince William also got down to eye-level with his son during the match as well, showing a sign of their closeness and mutual respect.


Kate Middleton shared about her exhaustion over parenting during the pandemic

Just like every other royal fascination, people's interest in Kate Middleton's parenting likely stems from her ability to relate to others. CBS reports that the duchess shared her feelings about taking care of her children throughout the pandemic during a video chat earlier this year. When asked to write a word describing the parenting aspect of pandemic life, Middleton held up "exhausted" while others on the call shared adjectives such as "challenging" and "hectic".


"I've become a hairdresser this lockdown, much to my children's horror, seeing mum cutting hair," she said. "We've had to become a teacher — and I think, personally, I feel pulled in so many different directions and you try your best with everything, but at the end of the day I do feel exhausted."

In addition to getting down to her children's level to help mitigate any communication barriers, Kate Middleton also raises her finger to help her children calm down, The Mirror reports, and gets them outside as frequently as possible. On the "Happy Baby Happy Mum" podcast, she explained, "As children, we spent a lot of time outside and it's something I'm really passionate about. I think it's so great for physical and mental wellbeing and laying those foundations."


While she may not be "just like us", Kate Middleton certainly has relatable parenting tactics.

