This His How Omega-3s Help With Migraines

Millions of people take supplements each morning. From the more general, like multi-vitamins, to the particular, such as Omega-3s, each of these help serve a vital purpose in various aspects of people's health. After researchers hailed Omega-3s as miracle fats, many people added them to their wellness routines and supplement cabinet. Recently, a study found another benefit to these types of pills: migraine relief.


According to Mindbodygreen, specific properties found in both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids have unique pain-fighting capabilities. Both of these polyunsaturated fatty acids reportedly produce oxylipins, molecules that can mitigate painful sensations across the body. The study involved three different diet types with varying degrees of Omega-3s and Omega-6s. At the end of the study, the two groups with elevated Omega-3 intakes reported a lowered incidence of migraine headaches. The study authors explained, "While the diets did not significantly improve quality of life, they produced large, robust reductions in frequency and severity of headaches relative to the control diet. This study provides a biologically plausible demonstration that pain can be treated through targeted dietary alterations in humans."


By finding a high-quality Omega-3 supplement, you may be able to keep chronic head pain at bay while reaping their other health-boosting benefits.

You can also get Omega-3 fatty acids from your diet

Of course, if a supplement isn't your speed, a diet filled with food-based sources of Omega-3s can provide the same pain-relieving benefits. The classic source of these fatty acids comes from fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. Since anywhere between 250 and 500 mg of Omega-3s are considered a healthy daily intake for most adults, adding food-based sources of this nutrient each day can be an easy way to ingest them more frequently, Healthline explains. More sea-based sources include caviar, oysters and anchovies, the outlet reports.


However, if you're looking for vegan options, seeds also provide high levels of the fatty acid. Chia and flax seeds make for an easy smoothie addition that provides a healthy, pain-relieving supplement, according to Healthline. Mindbodygreen also suggests eating soybeans, avocado and walnuts as other sources of this nutrient.

Beyond headache relief, Omega-3s fight inflammation, heart disease and brain-related illnesses such as dementia, MBG contends. Furthermore, they may even help alleviate symptoms of depression.

Next time you feel a headache coming on, check to make sure you've been getting enough of this nutrient. It may also be wise to add a supplemental source of the fatty acid to your routine going forward.


