Twitter Has Mixed Feelings On Princess Diana's Statue

It was a tribute, years in the making, for Diana, Princess of Wales. According to those involved with the project, the statue, which is now situated at its permanent place of honor in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace, is meant to reflect the Princess' "warmth, elegance, and energy" (via Telegraph). 


To mark the statue's unveiling, the feuding Prince William and Prince Harry set aside their differences to offer up a joint statement, which read, "Today, on what would have been our mother's 60th birthday, we remember her love, strength and character – qualities that made her a force for good around the world, changing countless lives for the better. Every day, we wish she were still with us, and our hope is that this statue will be seen forever as a symbol of her life and her legacy," per The Independent.

The brothers walked into the event together, which was noticeably not the case for their grandfather Prince Philip's funeral. But there were other reasons why heads turned after the statue was unveiled, and it had nothing to do with the princes, and more to do with the likeness itself.


Twitter has thoughts about the Princess Diana likeness

The bronze statue, which was commissioned in 2017 from British sculptor Ian Rank-Broadley, depicts the Princess flanked by young children, who are meant to represent the universality of the late Princess' work (via The Independent). While its design had been chosen by both Prince William and Prince Harry, the men that loved Diana and whom she loved the most (via BBC), social media users couldn't help but feel a bit let down by the end result of this effort to honor Diana, and they took to Twitter to blow off a bit of steam.


"As long as Diana's sons are happy, that is all that matters but I am disappointed in the statue," on social media user wrote.  "Nothing like her. Underwhelming, at best," commented another.

There was one particularly blunt comment from a keyboard warrior who just didn't hold back, writing, "#DianaStatue Sorry, I don't like it and I'm pretty sure she would have not chosen that outfit, which will date this effigy so much."

