When You Eat Dragon Fruit Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body

Dragon fruit, otherwise known as pitaya, is famous for its spiky, pink exterior and its sweet, fresh pulp (via Pitaya Foods). Whether you get a pink or white interior, dragon fruit's edible seeds are reminiscent of kiwis, with a watermelon-like taste. Found in Southeast Asia and Latin America (via Indie Traveller), pitaya grows on a cactus called hylocereus, and is known as a superfood (via Dr. Axe). If you're curious about bringing dragon fruit into your diet, or love the idea of fun pitaya bowls, you might be surprised to know that the fruit packs serious benefits. That being said, should you eat it every day?


According to Pitaya Foods, dragon fruit brings countless nutrients to the table — some you may not be expecting. For one, pitaya is rich in magnesium, which can promote energy levels, relax muscles, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and regulate the body's sodium, potassium and calcium. WebMD also points out that the tropical fruit packs tons of antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acid, and betacyanin that can protect your cells from harmful free radicals. Even more, some studies (via PLoS One) show that pitaya can reduce blood sugar, replacing damaged cells in charge of producing insulin. Yeah, we're adding dragon fruit to our shopping cart STAT.

As if all that wasn't enough, according to Healthline, dragon fruit's high vitamin C content can fight chronic diseases. Plus, its substantial fiber can promote fullness between meals, making it a perfect snack. While all that is well and good — is dragon fruit safe to eat every day?


All of dragon fruit's benefits

Dragon fruit's sleep-improving magnesium, powerhouse antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber are already impressive enough — but the benefits don't stop there. As per WebMD, pitaya also contains prebiotics which promote a healthy gut by balancing out your intestinal bacteria. Moreover, it is "one of the few fresh fruits that contain iron (via Healthline), representing 8% of your daily recommended iron intake. Helping break down food and transporting oxygen through your system, pitaya's iron is beneficial all-around.


So, are there any risk factors associated with eating dragon fruit every day? As per Healthline, the fruit "appears to be safe," unless a rare pitaya allergy is present. While it's clear dragon fruit is beneficial to the body, it's still important to think about its effects on the body if eaten every day. Luckily, there do not seem to be any negative side-effects related to eating pitaya on a daily basis, although it is still recommended to check with your personal doctor. Try incorporating the hot pink pulpy fruit into smoothies, "nice cream" bowls, and salads this summer — and above all, have fun!

