Morning Drinks To Improve Your Mood

The 21st century has witnessed the rise of wellness trends from the simple, such as cutting out coffee, to the more involved, like intuitive fasting. There's a reason why so many people have started to take their beverage habits more seriously — it can make a big difference in the way we feel! So, maybe it's time to take a look at the liquids you're ingesting and see if there's a better option that supports your mind, body and spirit.


Warm liquids can provide a soothing antidote to many physical and mental ailments, so get your kettle ready! For instance, PopSugar recommends trying a "pink latte" made from beets to provide an earthy, healthy elixir. With high levels of betaine, an important amino acid, and tyrosine, your pink drink can increase your dopamine levels. Instead of slogging your way through Monday, you can give your body some support as it faces the day. 

Prevention suggests warm water with lemon to help you focus and cut down on brain fog, both of which can impact how you feel. Loaded with vitamin C, lemon water helps you hydrate, support your body and hone in on the task at hand. Rather than feeling scattered in the morning, hot lemon water will help you gather your thoughts. 


Try a matcha latte to quell anxious thoughts

You may have heard of the benefits of adaptogens, i.e. naturally occurring herbs that soothe and protect the central nervous system. According to PopSugar, matcha is a particular adaptogen that provides stable energy without the anxiety that a cup of coffee can sometimes create. The green drink can help you calm down while feeling alert and awake to face the day. Plus, green tea contains tons of catechins and bioactive compounds that protect the brain, heart and other areas of the body, Healthline explains.


Another classic anxiety-fighting concoction is golden milk — a mixture of turmeric, black pepper and adaptogens. PopSugar cites the drink's antidepressant properties as a worthwhile reason to make it for yourself throughout the day. Since turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, it helps relax your muscles, improve your mood and reduce swelling throughout your system. 

Of course, many adaptogen-rich beverages are now on the market that you can purchase pre-made. Just do some research and find out which herb is best for you. Since they all boast different healing properties, it's important to select your adaptogens based on what your body needs. Either way, instead of rushing into your day and downing a cup of coffee, you'll likely notice a difference in your mood when you slow down and mindfully make a drink filled with nutrients and soothing properties.


