Mark Zuckerberg And Priscilla Chan's Relationship Timeline

By now everyone knows the story of how Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, created the social platform in his dorm room at Harvard University. But before the mogul became a billionaire or had a movie created based on his life ("The Social Network"), Zuckerberg was a typical college student rushing to class, partying with friends, and navigating the world of dating (via Biography). Which is why the backstory of how the father of two met his wife, Priscilla Chan, is 100% relatable. 


Because before being named to Time's 100 Most Influential People list in 2016, Chan and Zuckerberg were two ordinary college students. In fact, Zuckerberg's relationship status may have never changed from "single" to "in a relationship" by the time he dropped out of college to build Facebook (don't worry he received an honorary doctorate in 2017 according to the Toronto Star) if Chan would have skipped a night of partying for a quiet night of studying. 

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan met while in line for the bathroom

People reported that Mark Zuckerberg was a sophomore and  Priscilla Chan a freshman when they first met at the Facebook founder's fraternity party at Harvard University in 2003. Any college student who has attended a house party can relate to the couple's meet-cute scene that took place while in line for the bathroom.


In his 2017 commencement address at Harvard University, Zuckerberg shared that meeting Chan at the party was the best memory of his time at the Ivy League school. "We met in line for the bathroom in the Pfoho Belltower, and in what must be one of the all-time romantic lines, I said: 'I'm going to get kicked out in three days, so we need to go on a date quickly,'" he told the graduating class (per The Harvard Gazette).

It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but the line worked. Although Chan and Zuckerberg are from two completely different worlds, which Chan acknowledged in an interview with The New Yorker in 2018, the relationship thrived. They eventually moved in together in September 2010. 


Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan wed in a secret ceremony

A day after Facebook went public, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan shocked friends and family with a surprise wedding ceremony at their Palo Alto home on May 19, 2012. Guests thought they were showing up to a graduation party, as Chan had just graduated from medical school, but it was actually an intimate wedding ceremony (via People). And of course, the groom had to make it Facebook official. He updated his profile to say "Married Priscilla Chan" that evening as reported by The Washington Post.


The power couple continues to make headlines for both their personal milestones and philanthropic endeavors. After the birth of their first daughter, Max, in 2015, Chan and Zuckerberg co-founded the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, an organization focused on changing the world by improving education, fixing inequalities, and breaking down systemic barriers. In that same announcement, the couple announced that, over time, they will give away all but 1% of their Facebook shares, CNN Business noted. Although Chan and Zuckerberg have a substantial net worth in the billions, the couple lives a modest lifestyle with their daughters, Max and August. 

