The CDC Says You Can Now Do This If You're Fully Vaccinated

We're all eager to get things back to normal as soon as possible, particularly with the summer months ahead. The proliferation of vaccines has given millions of Americans hope that the end might finally be in sight, even if it means acknowledging a "new" normal as it were. Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cited three studies demonstrating the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. As NBC News outlines, an Israeli study demonstrated a 97% rate "against symptomatic Covid-19 and 86% effective against asymptomatic infection." 


It's become increasingly clear, too, as Walensky advised, that people who choose not to get vaccinated are putting themselves "at risk of mild or severe illness, of death, or spreading the disease to others." Those Americans are strongly cautioned to wear a mask, social distance, and get vaccinated ASAP rather than continuing to take the risk. As for the millions of people who are already fully vaccinated, and for those who intend to be, there's some good news to celebrate as Walensky and the CDC confirm you can start getting somewhat back to normal in a major way very soon.

The summer just got a whole lot brighter

As the New York Times reports, Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky confirmed Thursday that Americans who are fully vaccinated no longer need to wear face coverings or maintain social distancing in the majority of public settings. "We have all longed for this moment," Walensky enthused, echoing the sentiments of millions of people who are finally allowing themselves hope the global health crisis might be coming to an end. The CDC head continued, "If you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic." Although many state officials and businesses were shocked by the new mandate, since there hasn't been much information yet on how these guidelines will come into effect or even how gradually, for regular Americans, this is the news they've been waiting for. 


As CNN advises, Walensky confirmed "anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities — large or small — without wearing a mask or physical distancing." Allowing people permission to forego masks, which have become a political issue over the past year, may also convince Americans on the fence about the vaccine to finally bite the bullet. Only a third of the population, or around 119 million people, have been fully vaccinated to date so there's still a ways to go. President Joe Biden heralded the news as a "milestone" in the nation's fight against COVID-19. Biden took the opportunity to reiterate his positive stance on vaccinations, too.

