How To Make Your Workout Routine More Eco-Friendly

Sometimes, while you're gasping for air after a sprint session, you're not thinking about what would be best for the planet. That's why planning ahead is key to making sure your workout routine helps you — and the Earth — feel best.


Of course, step one is losing the plastic water bottles or sports drink containers. Grab a reusable water bottle that you can fill up at the gym or at home. The good news is that there are tons of chic options to choose from with different colors, types and designs — making your hydration habit that much more unique and customizable. Class Pass also suggests walking or biking to your fitness studio. Getting a head start on your warm-ups on the way there and giving you space to cool down on your way back, leaving your car at home has benefits for both you and the planet. Furthermore, a cluttered car actually uses more gas, the outlet reports. So, if you have loads of items in the backseat, de-clutter the space to save money and emissions. 


Taking your run to the streets is an awesome way to save on emissions from your treadmill while also getting some much-needed Vitamin D as well. Give your machines a break and head to the great outdoors for a hike, walk or run. 

Research before you buy fitness items

The fitness gear space has quickly morphed into an extremely saturated industry. Luckily, with all of the choices, many brands have listened to consumers' demands for more eco-friendly sportswear. Before buying your next sports bra or set of running shoes, do your research on sites like Good on You and check out which brands have the lowest carbon footprint.


Furthermore, classic fitness wear materials such as spandex and polyester are made from plastics, meaning they don't biodegrade any time soon. Stylist suggests opting for items made from Tencel material or anything consisting of natural fibers. This rule extends to other types of gear as well. Resistance bands, yoga mats and water bottles can all consist of less-than-earth-friendly materials. The outlet suggests purchasing sustainable options like natural fibers for clothes, bamboo and eucalyptus for yoga mats and natural rubber for other items.

Lastly, consider donating your next bike or running race sponsorship money to an eco-friendly nonprofit. If you're competing in any race like a 10K or a marathon, you can raise funds for your favorite organization to help save the planet, the outlet notes. 


There are tons of ways to give back to the Earth and keep yourself healthy. Just get creative and find what you like!

