Here's What It Really Means If Your Baby Isn't Very Active In The Womb

There are a lot of great aspects to pregnancy. Beyond all the discomfort, pain, and anxiety, there is also a consistent feeling of joy and excitement. Often these positive feelings are magnified when you feel the very first kicks.


According to Healthline, most women will start to feel the first kicks — referred to as quickening — around 16 to 22 weeks. These kicks will feel more like flutters than an actual kick, and do not always happen for every woman. Those who are in their second or third pregnancy may have the luxury of feeling these movements before the 16-week mark, while first-time moms may not feel anything until long after 22 weeks.

Another aspect that could lead to less movement in the womb is having an anterior placenta. According to What to Expect, an anterior placenta may cause you to feel less kicks throughout your pregnancy. While this isn't technically a health concern, it is important to pay attention to movement, especially as you enter the third trimester.


When to worry about your baby's movement

Healthline advises paying attention to kick counts in your third trimester, looking to ensure that the baby moves 10 times in an hour period. If you don't feel movements, don't fret — it could just mean the baby is napping. If this happens, try again later in the day.


If you still feel a decrease in movement, be sure to contact your doctor. Less movement than usual in the third trimester can mean serious issues. The growth of your baby may have slowed, which can be a cause for a concern, or the umbilical cord could be wrapped around their neck, a serious condition needing medical attention. Decreased movement can also mean there is an issue with your placenta or your uterus (via Verywell Family).

If you are concerned with movement, don't be afraid to let your doctor know. Often, a simple ultrasound can rule out anything serious. If there is a health issue, the sooner you get medical help, the better.

