Britney Spears' Dad Made A Huge Claim About Her Mental Health

Britney Spears' mental health has been the subject of public discussion since her struggles came to a head in 2007. Since then, the pop star's father, Jamie Spears, has acted as her conservator, essentially controlling her finances and decision-making abilities. Though he now shares control over her estate with a financial management company, his role in his daughter's life has continued to drawn concern from fans (via BBC). 


In recent years, the "Free Britney" movement has become more vocal about questioning the conservatorship, claiming that the 39-year-old is being taken advantage of. Earlier this year, a documentary titled "Framing Britney Spears" brought to light the alleged ways Spears has been treated unfairly throughout her career, both in the public eye and in her personal affairs. Now, the BBC has released a brand new documentary about Spears' controversial conservatorship and relationship with her father — and one shocking detail about her initial paperwork is raising eyebrows.

Jamie Spears indicated that Britney suffers from dementia

In the BBC's documentary, "The Battle for Britney: Fans, Cash and a Conservatorship," more concerning details about Britney Spears' conservatorship are being revealed. According to The Sun, the film presents the documents that her father, Jamie Spears, initially filed for her over a decade ago. In this paperwork, it's shown that as a reason for the conservatorship, Spears allegedly checked off a box stating "dementia placement or treatment." Given the fact that Britney has continued working and performing throughout her conservatorship, fans are stating that it's virtually impossible that she actually suffers from the illness. 


Hayley Herms, a Britney Spears fan fighting for her freedom, told The Sun, "There is no way any dementia patient is going on world tours, doing Vegas residencies, is learning 27 back-to-back combo numbers, full choreography. No honey, that is not happening."

In the documentary, journalist Mobeen Azhar says, "There's only two options with that. Britney might have dementia. Now I'm not a doctor but if that's the case, then the world isn't aware of that. But the other option is actually more sinister.

"The Battle for Britney: Fans, Cash and a Conservatorship" is available now on BBC iPlayer.

