Randy Quaid Wants To Get Into Politics. Here's Why It'll Likely Never Happen

Earlier this month, Caitlyn Jenner announced her plans to run for governor of California. As Axios reported, the Olympian and "Keeping up with the Kardashians" star, who's a proud longtime Republican, seeks to replace Gavin Newsom in a recall election. Jenner is reportedly "hoping her celebrity status and name recognition can yield an upset in the nation's most populous state," with her team confident a victory is possible. The reality star is walking back her support of former President Donald Trump in a bid to convince voters in the predominantly Democratic state that she's a viable candidate, even while utilizing some of Trump's own advisers. 


In a statement, Jenner noted, "Sacramento needs an honest leader with a clear vision" and that "for the past decade, we have seen the glimmer of the Golden State reduced by one-party rule that places politics over progress and special interests over people." She reckons the state's taxes are "too high" and even criticized California's supposedly "over-restrictive lockdown." The reality star also argued, "This is Gavin Newsom's California, where he orders us to stay home but goes out to dinner with his lobbyist friends." Buoyed by her political aspirations, fellow controversial celebrity Randy Quaid has decided he wants a piece of the pie, too. 

Randy Quaid is technically still a fugitive

As ET Canada notes, Caitlyn Jenner's gubernatorial bid has apparently spurred Randy Quaid to join the ranks. Taking to Twitter, he revealed, "I'm seriously considering running for governor." According to Quaid, "The prosecutorial corruption in California ... is rampant; and I promise that if elected I will clean up the District Attorney Offices throughout the state." The former actor is a hardcore Republican and Trump defender. Quaid is also a known conspiracy theorist. In particular, he's claimed many times Hollywood "star whackers" are after him and wife Evie, which forced them to go on the lam. Twitter was not impressed with Quaid's bid. Comedian Patton Oswalt noted, "Could we NOT treat the 'Randy Quaid running for CA governor' like a goofy joke? Maybe learn something from 2016?" 


As The Wrap reports, the controversial star may not even get on the ballot, as a plethora of unresolved legal issues mean he's still a wanted man. Quaid was caught, alongside Evie, squatting in a previously owned property in 2010, and the couple is wanted on felony vandalism charges as a result. In fact, they previously legged it to Canada, where Evie was granted citizenship, but Quaid's request for permanent residency was denied (though it didn't stop him from living there until 2015, before being arrested crossing the border into Vermont). It's unclear where the case currently stands, but suffice to say Quaid likely wouldn't be able to run for office under the circumstances.

