Jill Biden's Daily Fitness Routine Sounds Beyond Impressive

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden has a busy schedule — in addition to her obligations as first lady, she's also continued her job teaching English at Northern Virginia Community College (via CBS News). But somehow Jill, who will turn 70 in June 2021, also manages to maintain an impressive daily fitness regimen.


Jill's workout of choice is running, although she told Self that she also takes barre classes and does weights. "I make it a priority in my life," Biden told the outlet of staying healthy and working out. "Whether it's 6:30 in the morning or 6:30 at night, [exercise] is part of my daily routine," Jill told the outlet. "And I don't just exercise to make myself look better. I think exercise and being healthy creates total balance in life."

In 2010, Jill told Runner's World that she started running in the early 1990s after she and her husband President Joe Biden participated in the Komen Race for the Cure. Jill recalled that after she quickly got "winded" she decided to add running to her routine.


Running became Jill's favorite workout

As Jill Biden told Runner's World, she started running in the couple's Delaware neighborhood and it became her workout of choice because running outside gave her a sense of freedom.

She also shared that she's done one marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon, and she was thrilled when she met her goal time. "I finished in 4:30:32. My goal was 4:30, so I feel like I met that goal and I was ecstatic," the FLOTUS recalled. "I have to say it was one of the highlights of my life."


Jill spoke with Runner's World in 2010 when secret service was part of her life – something that of course is now true again. She said they were good about respecting that running is her alone time. "I think that running creates a sense of balance in my life. And it really calms me down. It's a great feeling to just get out and lose myself in a run," she explained. "I think that's why I continue to run because, as you know, once you get that, you kind of crave that time for yourself."

