Here's How To Prevent Sweat Beneath Your Breasts This Summer

As the days heat up, you are probably enjoying more time outside and being more active. However, with that warmer weather comes some uncomfortable and sometimes unsightly problems — namely, sweat under your breasts. Depending on where you live, sometimes something as simple as walking from your front door to your vehicle is enough to cause moisture in places you don't want to be wet. When the heat rises, your body produces sweat to cool down (via Healthline), which is nice, but it can also be annoying in certain areas. While you can use antiperspirant under your arms to help cut down on sweat and the associated stink, the situation under your breasts gets far less attention and fewer products to prevent it.  


Dr. Alexes Hazen, associate professor in the Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery at New York University Langone, told Prevention that if you have larger or droopy breasts, you may experience more sweat in the area. "An overhang of skin tends to get sweaty," she said. Not only can the moisture be a nuisance, but also it can also become a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria, which could cause health problems. The good news is there are a few essential life hacks that you can employ to help keep you drier than usual, and Prevention tackled the issue, offering several options. There's something for almost anybody who hopes to prevent an embarrassing sweat through under their bust.

The surprising life hacks for reducing breast sweat.

One way to prevent excess moisture under your breasts is to choose the right bra (via Prevention). Interestingly, the correct support might not always be a sports bra. Dr. Alexes Hazen, MD told the magazine, "Often, sports bras are too thick, which can lead to excess under-breast sweating. Bras that extend down toward the abs can also promote sweating." Choose a bra that's thinner or even mesh, without padding to keep things drier (via Healthline). On the flip side, tops created from moisture-wicking fabrics that are loose and dark can help, too, though cotton might exacerbate the problem. 


Another trick you might not know is that you can use the same antiperspirant you put under your arms under your breasts. "Antiperspirant can be used anywhere — on your feet, hands, and even under your bra," Dr. Hazen noted. She suggested a spray might work better for the area, and aluminum-free is likely best (via Healthline). If you want, you can also purchase a product made specifically for under your breasts. Anti-chaffing powder might also help you keep the moisture to a minimum. You can use paper towels or wipes to get rid of the sweat or pantyliners to absorb it in a pinch.

If you find yourself still having a severe issue that causes infections, there are some additional steps you can take. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of using Botox or anti-sweating medication. For extreme cases, you might even want to discuss the possibility of breast reduction or breast lift surgery.


