The Truth About Kate Middleton And Pippa's Relationship

Some bonds are unbreakable, and that's definitely the case when it comes to Kate Middleton's relationship with her younger sister, Pippa Middleton. As Town & Country reported, the Middleton sisters were born into a family of three kids, but they became especially tight throughout their adolescent years. Because they were close in age, Kate and Pippa developed a solid relationship, as royal biographer Katie Nicholl explained in her tell-all book, "Kate: The Future Queen" (via E! News).


Of course, Kate's eventual marriage to Prince William changed everything for the sisters, and Pippa first caught the public's attention after appearing at her sister's royal wedding (via the BBC). Since then, fans have been vying to learn more about the dynamic duo, who despite being born non-royals, have always kept a tight lid on their private life.

The most important thing to know about the two siblings? They may not live a conventional lifestyle, but Kate and Pippa's sisterhood has gotten them through their unfathomable journey of entering the royal family. Here's the truth about their relationship.

Kate and Pippa Middleton are a mere two years apart in age

Kate and Pippa Middleton have shared a sisterly love their entire lives. As two of the most prominent royals, they've spent most of their life in the spotlight, but they've battled the ups and downs of a high-profile life together. Kate, the older of the two sisters, was born Catherine Elizabeth Middleton on January 9, 1982, according to Biography. Just two years later, her parents welcomed another daughter; Philippa Charlotte Middleton was born in Berkshire, England, on September 6, 1983, the middle child of the family. While the girls have one younger brother, James Middleton, their sisterhood has been a focal point of fans' adoration of the royal family.


Because they are close in age, Pippa and Kate went through many of life's milestones together. From their early childhood days in Jordan to the most lavish royal affairs, they've stayed incredibly tight-knit. In fact, the siblings say they care deeply about each other's well-being. "We're very close," Pippa told Today in 2014. "And, you know, we support each other and get each other's opinions and things."

Kate and Pippa Middleton spent their childhoods together

Details about Pippa and Kate Middleton's early life aren't actually much different from the average family, as royal biographer Katie Nicholl explained in her 2013 book "Kate: The Future Queen" (per E! News). The Middleton family shared nightly dinners, with the sisters helping set the table. They would also embark on family trips together, and even as the sisters got older, they lived parallel lives. Additionally, Kate and Pippa both joined the same Brownie troop, opting to stick together as much as possible through early adolescence. And of course, there were times when even young James Middleton joined in on their friendship, and all three siblings attended drama camp together.


When it eventually came time for the siblings to go their separate ways, they still opted for similar lifestyles. Pippa and Kate both went to boarding school, which marked the first time they spent significant time away from each other. Still, "The Middletons were an exceptionally close family," Nicholl wrote, explaining that there was a lot of "noise and laughter" in their upbringing.

Kate and Pippa Middleton both played sports growing up

Pippa and Kate Middleton were both very active growing up, and they wound up playing a variety of different sports (together, of course). According to excerpts from Katie Nicholl's book "Kate: The Future Queen" (via E! News), Pippa was a bit more athletic than her older sister, but both ladies made sports a big part of their lives. As their former coach told Nicholl, "They had such drive and were very competitive, particularly Pippa." But don't think this competitive spirit ever pit the girls against each other. "They were very much a team," the coach was sure to say.


Kate highly preferred field hockey over other sports, according to Nicholl, so when both sisters wound up attending Marlborough college on full sports scholarships, it didn't take long for them to get involved with the school hockey team. The sisters played together just like old times. 

Even off the hockey field, the great outdoors have always called Pippa and Kate's names. The gals grew up sailing, hiking, and skiing with their parents, Nicholl explained, so athleticism has always run in their family.

Kate and Pippa Middleton had important roles in each other's wedding

Both Kate and Pippa Middleton are happily married, and while their weddings occurred six years apart, there were some very similar moments in each ceremony. Particularly, the moment they both helped carry each other's wedding dress trains captured royal fans' hearts. 


As People pointed out, for her 2011 wedding, Kate asked her sister to stand behind her as she walked down the aisle and hold her lengthy train. Six years later, Kate did the same for her younger sister. The duchess returned the favor and ensured the stunning Giles Deacon-designed gown her younger sister wore was in good hands. 

Kate may not have been the maid of honor (it's atypical for royals to have one), but she happily stood next to her sister on the momentous occasion and ensured the train didn't get tripped up. Ironically enough, years after Pippa was accused of stealing the spotlight at her sister's wedding, Kate was said to have done the same, according to Vogue.

Pippa and Kate Middleton have said the sweetest things about each other

Kate and Pippa Middleton have lived life under the public lens since their early 20s, but they've managed to handle it with grace every step of the way. Their way of coping with intense media scrutiny? By sticking together. 


It's clear in Pippa and Kate's interviews about one another that they have nothing but the utmost respect for each other. "We spend a lot of time together. We still do a lot together as a family," Pippa told Today's Matt Lauer during a 2014 interview, before explaining that maintaining a semblance of normalcy is important to them. "I think that's really the heart for all of us is having a really close family that we can sort of be normal with each other, treat each other normally," she continued. "And that's sort of kept us all, you know, affixed to the ground."

Pippa went on to explain that she and her sister have a ride or die relationship, which includes spontaneous phone calls at anytime, day or night. "Yeah, we do we have a very normal, sisterly relationship," she added.


Pippa and Kate Middleton go on vacation together

Sisters who take trips together, stay together! That's the motto for the Pippa and Kate Middleton, who have been going on lavish vacations together since they were kids (or as the British would say, "holiday"). According to E! News, who shared more excerpts of Nicholl's biography of Kate, the sisters grew up taking nature-centric excursions with their family. Oftentimes they stayed local, embarking on countryside picnics in the Berkshires or sailing in Norfolk. However, as the Middleton sisters got older, the excursions became more elaborate, including trips to tropical islands or adventures to the snowy French Alps.


There's no doubt that Kate's role as Duchess has changed her and Pippa's life immensely, but the sisters' affinity for joint vacations hasn't changed. As Hola! USA previously reported, the Middleton family has remained incredibly close, and has continued to take trips to Mustique together, even after Kate became married to Prince William.

Pippa and Kate Middleton have their fair share of drama

No family is without at least some problems, and Pippa and Kate Middleton have certainly faced theirs. For instance, when Kate got married to Prince William in 2011, her younger sister was accused of stealing the show. Pippa looked drop-dead gorgeous at the royal wedding, and her beautiful dress commanded attention from around the world. Outlets ran headlines like, "Did Pippa Middleton Outshine Kate Middleton?" after she wore the fitted gown with a plunging neckline.


Reports soon started surfacing about a long-standing rivalry between the sisters. "Kate was always quite jealous of Pippa," a family friend of the Middleton's told The Scotsman in 2008 (per Express), adding that "there was always a real sense of rivalry between them" and there "probably still is." Another outlet, The Things, also aired out dramatic details of an alleged feud between Pippa and Kate. The publication posted a video claiming the sisters have always had a "rivalry" which has continued into adulthood. But all in all, Pippa and Kate aren't unlike most families. After all, no one is perfect.

Kate and Pippa Middleton lead two different lives

For as much as Kate and Pippa Middleton have in common, they also have their fair share of differences. For starters, they lead very different lives, particularly when it comes to how much their actions are filtered through the public lens. As Prince William's wife, Kate is constantly being watched by people all around the world, scrutinizing every move she makes. Sure, the same could be said for Pippa, but the scrutiny isn't quite as intense, especially as she technically isn't a royal (at least not yet).


Personality wise, Kate and Pippa are also very different. As a source told The Scotsman in 2008 (per Express), Pippa is much more outgoing and makes friends easily, while her sister is more reserved. "Because Pippa has more natural effervescence, she is socially much more at ease and was always popular with everyone, especially [brother] James's friends," the insider said. 

Pippa was also much pickier when it came to choosing her friend circle. "She was very charming about it, but quite ruthless in cultivating the 'right' friend," the source added.

Pippa and Kate Middleton are so supportive of each other's families

As Kate and Pippa Middleton grew older and started families of their own, they were still super supportive of one another. According to History, Kate welcomed her first child with Prince William on July 11, 2013 and named him Prince George Alexander Louis — and that was the start of a royal baby boom. Little George's sister, Princess Charlotte, arrived in 2015, and three years later, Prince Louis was born in 2018. 


All the while, Pippa took notes, and followed in her big sister's footsteps when it came time to start a family of her own. On October 2, 2018, when pregnant with her first child, Pippa was photographed at the very same hospital Kate welcomed her children in (via Harper's Bazaar).

Pippa would go on to give birth at that hospital on October 15, 2018, welcoming a healthy baby boy. Three years later, the pair had their second child, a girl. Naturally, Pippa's older sister couldn't have been happier to see Pippa's family add a new edition. A source close to the Cambridges told Hello!, "The Duke and Duchess are absolutely overjoyed by the happy news."

Kate and Pippa Middleton have helped each other through hard times

Life as a royal doesn't mean everything goes swimmingly all the time. Notably, on her way to becoming a Duchess, Kate Middleton faced a few challenges, and even broke up with Prince William before reuniting and tying the knot. But when heartbreak came knocking on Kate's door, Pippa Middleton lifted her up and helped her through tough times.


It was in 2007 when Kate and William called it quits after five years of dating. As Showbiz CheatSheet reported, Kate "didn't handle things well," but the breakup pain was eased thanks to her sister. Pippa "helped her pick up the pieces," the outlet stated. 

Kate and William later reconciled and announced their engagement in November 2010, but the happy ending may not have come to fruition without Kate's little sister. She played "a large role in the exes rekindling their relationship," the site stated. How exactly did she do so? Pippa reportedly encouraged her sister to get out and hit the town, distracting her from the devastating breakup. The photos of their fun-filled nights reportedly got back to William, who was reportedly sad to see his ex living life without him.


Kate and Pippa Middleton share a love of tennis

Kate and Pippa Middleton are total tennis fanatics, and it's one of the many things they've bonded over throughout their life. "The whole family are mad about tennis and they hate losing," a family friend told GQ in August 2012. 


Not only do they enjoy hitting the courts, but Kate and Pippa have also been seen watching pro tennis championships together. In July 2019, they enjoyed a girls day out with Meghan Markle at Wimbledon where they were seen sharing laughs and banter (via Vanity Fair). Additionally, their love of tennis seems to have been passed on to their brother; according to GQ, James Middleton grew up playing rounds of tennis with them in Chelsea.

The Middleton sisters and tennis have become so synonymous with one another that Kate made a video about the cancellation of the 2020 Wimbledon tournament. "This year sadly though things are very different, but we will bide our time until we sit on the edge of our seats again and celebrate again," she explained. "So, when the time is right and we open the gates, we will be back again and it will have been worth the wait."


Kate and Pippa Middleton's relationship has changed over the years

As with any siblings, the dynamic between Kate and Pippa Middleton had shifted over the years. They still flock together when they can, but they're hardly the attached-at-the-hip duo they once were. After years of playing on the same sports teams and joining the same Brownie troops, Pippa and Kate's paths "diverged," as E! News reported. 


Even as adults the Middleton sisters live parallel (though separate) lives. After all, they both wound up attending Marlborough college, but it wasn't long after that the sisters' lives both changed drastically. When Kate chose to take a gap year in school and enrolled at St. Andrews University in Scotland, she met Prince William and set things on an entirely different course. 

In the end, both Kate and Pippa have gained a sense of independence as they began their own families. They also battled the fame that came with Kate's marriage together, but there was no doubt Kate faced the brunt of it.

