Here's What Dua Lipa Eats In A Day

Dua Lipa has long been adored for her amazing vocals but the 25-year-old British pop star also has an incredible body to match, and what she eats in a day has a lot to do with it. Her ripped physique seen in her 2021 Grammy performance certainly had fans talking. 


Part of that incredibly toned look is due to exercise. She loves gearing up for her workouts by eating bananas and cashew butter (per Women's Health). "I try and work out as much as I can. It's such a busy lifestyle I feel like I need to try and do something for myself every day," she told Viva." I love doing something that's really fast and quick, like a 15-minute HIIT session which I can do before I start my day. If I've got a really early call time I don't want to be waking up hours before I need to, to go and do a workout. So a high-intensity workout, shower, breakfast, and I'm on my way."

"When I have a tiny bit more time on my side I love mixing up lots of different training, finding different workouts in whatever city I'm in, whether it's yoga, Pilates, boxing or spinning," she continued. In 2018, The Urban List asked Dua Lipa about any rules she has for fitness/health, and she admitted that she allows herself occasional treats but usually when she's not juggling a busy schedule. The reason? "[I]f I do eat a donut it usually puts me in a food coma!"


Dua Lipa's diet is all about balance

When it comes to eating, Dua Lipa tries to keep it healthy and avoid sugar (due to the "food coma" that follows). That means a lot of lean lunch wraps or salads in most cases. Dinners typically consist of fish, veggies, and some more salad (per Healthy Yogi). Vegetables are definitely a constant for both lunch and dinner for Lipa. "I try and stay as healthy as possible whenever I can," she told The Urban List. As for daily snacks, the outlet says the English singer-songwriter allows for juice and fruits.


When Dua Lipa is reaching for comfort food, she turns to Albanian food. Her parents are Albanian and the dishes remind her of growing up, as she revealed on Hot Ones. She named ajvar, spinach pie, and sujuk as some of her favorites. She's also into American culture food like pizza, burgers, and donuts — but again, on occasion and when her schedule allows.

