Here's What The New Moon On March 13 Means For Your Zodiac Sign

Most people know the full moon is a major celestial event that holds immense meaning for those who believe in astrology and in many forms of spirituality. But a lesser known moon phase of equal importance and significance is the new moon, when the night is fully dark and void of any moonlight or visible moon whatsoever. While full moons often offer opportunities to shed something, to let go, to illuminate issues or desires, or callings often hidden or unacknowledged, new moons have equal but opposite energy. They provide space and energy to plan, to set intentions, to pause and get ready to build along with the energy of the waxing moon. 


The new moon is like the beginning of a life cycle, like a birth — you get a chance to start from scratch with a clean slate (via Elite Daily). You get to use that plan you make and those goals you set to grow along with the moon's energy. And just like a full moon, depending on the sign it happens under and the state of the zodiac at that particular moment, each new moon will bring focus to specific things in your life. And you can get even more specific by focusing on how that new moon's energy will affect your particular zodiac sign.   

What this new moon means

This month's new moon will take place on March 13 under Pisces, and it might just be the very best day of the year to get in touch with your imagination and subconscious (via Vogue). Your intuition will be heightened on this day, and you will slip more easily than usual into your fantasy world, focusing on otherworldly, ethereal, and spiritual things. If you are interested in alternative healing therapies, this would be a great day to take part in whichever ritual or practice you find helpful. You might also feel more generous than usual right now and may be moved to use your energy to help others. The new moon creativity that is birthed on this day will grow and mature until the full moon on the 29th, so taking the time to focus this energy can help your creative efforts grow immensely over the next two weeks. So depending on your zodiac sign, here's what you need to know to get the most out of this new moon. 


Aries, Gemini, Taurus, and Cancer under the new moon

Aries, while it may be against your nature, it's time to look inward (via Vogue). Take time to reflect and adopt a more low-key manner right now. Understanding your own motivations will help you make better decisions for yourself and your goals going forward. Subtlety isn't always your strong suit, but this is the beginning of a months-long journey toward finding a better balance between your exuberance and a more inward-focused attitude. Gemini, this new moon is going to affect your professional life most (via Style Caster). This is a great opportunity to write down your career goals, focus some energy into visualizing what those achievements look and feel like, and solidify success in this area of your life. 


Taurus, if you feel like setting some fitness or beauty goals, this is a great time to set those intentions, but make sure you are doing so from a place of self-love and gentleness and with an attitude of growth and joy, not from a place of shame or punishment. You are worthy and gorgeous just as you are, but this is a great time to work toward feeling even more vibrant and lovely (via Vogue). Cancer, this new moon is a perfect time to embrace and explore your spirituality. If you've been feeling like you might benefit from a regular new moon/full moon ritual, meditation, prayer, or whatever it might be, this is the perfect time to start.  

Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio under the new moon

Fiery Leo, you are great at being the center of attention and commanding public admiration, but this is actually a great time to keep your private life very private. If you're working on a professional or personal goal, or if you're trying to chase a new dream, it's best to confide only in those you truly connect to, and soon you will see yourself blossom. Virgo, this new moon affects your long-term relationships (via Style Craze). This can be both professionally and personally. It's a great time to invest in a partnership that matters to you. If you are already happily coupled or employed, this is the right time to add some spice to your relationship or create a career goal that could get you to the next level. 


Balance-loving Libra, you've been overdoing it in at least one area of your living-for-others life (via Vogue). This is the perfect time to "detox" from something that isn't serving you. Whether it's setting a new health or self-care goal, quitting booze, getting a daily run in, or committing to a nightly bath for relaxation, this is the time to set goals toward becoming your happiest and healthiest self. This new moon energy will support this growth. Passionate Scorpio, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the murkiness and questions surrounding your relationships right now, this is a great time to step back, reassess, and get some new perspective. Clarity should come more easily now.   

Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces under the new moon

Sagittarius, as a fire sign, the hearth and heart of your home is important to you. This new moon is all about your home life, so this is the perfect time to set intentions and goals to fix, update, or attend to anything that would help make your space a more nurturing and sacred place (via Style Craze). Capricorn, with your often black-and-white, right-and-wrong thinking, this new moon brings you a new challenge: to develop empathy for those around you who you may have a hard time understanding (via Vogue). If you can manage to listen with an open mind and open heart, you will find more in common than you may think, and the conflicts you might be experiencing could ease. You don't have to compromise your values — just listen.


Aquarius, this new moon helps you get creative with your finances. If things have been feeling tight, this is a good time to set some goals or think of some creative ways to make, save, or utilize funds. If you feel like money's been slipping away, this is the time to take control. Pisces, this new moon falls under your sign, and so you are going to get the biggest energy boost of all. Consider this your very own New Year's Eve. Set those intentions, aim that energy toward what you truly want and love, and be brave and bold! Everything you want is within your power.   

