Hugh Jackman Says What He Really Thinks Of Meghan And Harry

In light of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Oprah interview on Sunday, celebs around the world are clamoring to show support –- except for Piers Morgan, of course (via The Washington Post). Stars continue to rush to their defense, including tennis legend and Markle's BFF Serena Williams, who tweeted, "Meghan Markle, my selfless friend, lives her life –- and leads by example -– with empathy and compassion." It's safe to say Hollywood is taking the couple's side against the monarchy, but it was Hugh Jackman's response in particular that's tugging on our heartstrings (via Page Six).


In a video posted to Instagram on Monday, just one day after the much-lauded interview, Jackman voiced his support for the royal couple and called on others to do the same. Wearing a white t-shirt, the X-Men actor started off by simply recommending the interview to his fans. "I recommend Oprah's interview with Meghan and Harry, which Deb [wife Deborra-Lee Furness] and I, and millions of people around the world, watched last night with astonishment."

In the interview, Markle touched on subjects ranging from alleged racism in the royal family all the way to contemplating suicide at her lowest point (via Vox). Hugh Jackman wasn't just astonished by the moment –- but taken aback with admiration for her honesty. He continued, "there we were, watching an incredibly high-profile woman and her husband, speak so openly, courageously, honestly, with such dignity about the hardest time in their life and their cry for help."


Hugh Jackman's support for Meghan and Harry is truly touching

It's safe to say that the Oscar-nominated Les Misérables star will always hold Meghan Markle and Prince Harry dear, especially in connection to the causes he supports. In his selfie video, Hugh Jackman mentions his role on the board of the Australian organization Gotcha4Life, which is dedicated to mental fitness and suicide prevention.


The actor continued, "Last night I thought everyone needs to see this, because it is such an incredible example to never worry alone. Seek help, and if you're not getting help where you're looking for it, keep looking." Jackman was relating to Markle's honesty about her suicidal thoughts and the darkness she experienced before leaving the monarchy and moving to California with Harry (via CBS News). In essence, a struggle that affects so many, but is still seen as a taboo subject.

Hugh Jackman wrapped up his video by simply saying, "thank you, Meghan, thank you Harry, for your courage," while captioning it with: "Mental health is not ever to be ignored. When someone is brave enough to ask for help, we must listen ... You are not alone." Just one more reason to love the legendary actor.


If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ at​ 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​.

