Ben Stiller's Golden Globes Bit Didn't Go As Planned

Ben Stiller was among the A-listers chosen to present at the 78th Golden Globe Awards (per The New York Post). Though the actor has never been nominated for one of the awards himself, he's still a respected and beloved figure in Hollywood. Many were excited to see what kind of comedic hijinx he'd bring to the evening and he did not disappoint, although it's unclear if it's what Stiller was going for.


Many fans were struck by how good the 55-year-old looked. He took the stage with all grey hair to present the Best Actress Golden Globe for Motion Picture, Comedy, or Drama (per Entertainment Tonight). Viewers said the grey mane gave Stiller some silver-fox vibes (via Twitter). The funnyman joked he had time to dye it that color during the pandemic. He also talked about other hobbies he took up during the pandemic, leading to one of the evening's funniest, possibly unintentional, moments. 

Ben Stiller joked about his pandemic baking

Among his many pandemic activities to pass the time, Stiller said he spent time baking. "And like so many other Americans I learned to bake a perfect banana bread, in the shape of a Golden Globe," he joked, whipping out a Golden Globe made of banana bread. Then, he took a big bite of it.


Stiller struggled to get through the rest of his announcing duties after that bite. It seems he didn't take into account that there was no water on hand to wash all that bread down with. Fans online instantly chimed in to joke about the actor choking through the rest of his time on stage. "Ben Stiller eating the banana bread, realising there was no water to sip afterwards, and then desperately trying not to cough in public is a 2021 MOOOOD," one Twitter user noted.

He was able to keep going and congratulate Rosamund Pike for winning the award for her role in I Care A Lot

