Here's Why You Should Be Adding Citrus Fruits To Your Bath

Ritual baths are one of the latest self-care trends that you'll want to try for yourself. But, beyond the classic staples like essential oils and Epsom salts, there are a few other ingredients that can up-level your bathing routine and bring on a deeper sense of calm. With the right additions, your time in the tub can leave your skin feeling refreshed and your body with a certain glow. To get started, head to your fridge and grab your citrus fruits.


Fruit baths feel like the height of luxury and offer tons of benefits. According to the blog, In Ara, the Vitamin C content combined with the citric acid found in oranges, lemons, and limes can contribute to improved circulation and even shrunken pores. A popular winter solstice tradition in Japan, citrus baths can help reduce stress and provide much-needed nutrients to the skin cells, the outlet notes. 

Indeed, according to StyleCaster, citrus fruits such as grapefruit can help reduce the appearance of skin issues such as cellulite. Packed with Vitamin C, this fruit aids in improving skin elasticity and increases the production of collagen within the body which can help smooth skin. If grapefruit isn't your thing, you can use lemons. "Vitamin C is an excellent fighter against colds and potassium stimulates brain and nerve functions, while regulating the blood pressure. Lemons also aid in digestion and clean toxins from the blood, which keeps the skin clean," skincare expert Adrienne Shostak told the outlet.


Preparing your citrus bath is easy

Before you head to your tub, simply slice up any citrus fruits you have from limes to oranges to grapefruits — any will work. Fill your bath and add the slices along with any other ingredients you want. Adding Epsom salts and coconut milk makes for a moisturizing, pain-alleviating mixture, especially when combined with your citrus additions. Then, simply sit, maybe light a few candles and let your skin reap the benefits.


Issues like uneven skin tone and damaged cells can seriously benefit from this technique as well. Certified aromatherapist Gina Kamburowski tells StyleCaster that "[t]he retinol antioxidant in grapefruit helps treat this condition, renewing damaged skin. The potassium in grapefruit helps to smooth wrinkles and age spots and provides a protective shield against UV rays, while amino acids makes the skin firm and soft."

Killing off free radicals and sources of inflammation, citrus fruits' properties can help soothe any irritated skin cells and offer a second-to-none feeling of luxury. To further your relaxing experience, take it slow, New York-based healer Deborah Danekamp recommends to Vogue. Sitting in your soak for at least 20 minutes will help you fully calm down and absorb the benefits of the bath's ingredients. For an extra boost, make your favorite type oftea to coincide with your session or sip after your bath. Deeply nourishing from the outside-in, citrus baths should certainly hold a spot in your self-care arsenal.


