Biden's Dogs Major And Champ Are Now Officially At The White House

Four years after Bo and Sunny Obama's departure and after the White House became a pet-free zone, the White House has gone to the dogs once again (via HuffPost).  Previously, former President Donald Trump had been the first president in over 100 years without a canine in residence. But on Sunday, German Shepherds Major and Champ officially moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Even more adorable, Major makes history as the first presidential pup to hail from an animal shelter.


It took a few days before Major and Champ were given the all-clear to move in with their humans. As Michael LaRosa, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden's press secretary, tells CNN, "The First Family wanted to get settled before bringing the dogs down to Washington from Delaware. Champ is enjoying his new dog bed by the fireplace, and Major loved running around on the South Lawn."

The Biden dogs have settled into their new home

This probably isn't Champ's debut at the White House, as he became part of the family in 2008 — just before the Bidens moved into the vice president's residence in Washington. But this is definitely Major's first time to prowl the corridors of power, since he was adopted just two years ago from the Delaware Humane Association (via CBS).


Still missing is the Biden's cat Winston, which has yet to be spotted either hanging with its canine brothers or with members of its human family. When asked about an update on the First Feline, White House press secretary Jen Psaki had this to say: "I'm also wondering about the cat, because the cat is going to dominate the internet whenever the cat is announced and wherever that cat is found." Considering the fame the Clinton cat, Socks, won in the '90s, Winston is set to accumulate considerable attention (via CNN). We're waiting, Winston.

