The Untold Truth Of Ella Emhoff

Unless you've been living under a rock since 2020, you probably know that 2021 was the year that Joe Biden became the 46th president of the United States. His running mate, Kamala Harris, made history by becoming the country's first female Black and south Asian vice president (via The Guardian).


If you're anything like us, you're probably pretty fascinated by Harris. What you may not realize about the new Veep is that she has two step-children. Cole and Ella Emhoff are the children of Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff. While Harris may not be the children's biological mother, the family appears to be incredibly close (via The New York Times). Both Ella and Cole appeared at the inauguration. In fact, Ella totally stole the show with her on-point checked and bedazzled coat, sending the internet into a frenzy. All of a sudden we were all desperate to know — who is the new second daughter, Ella Emhoff?

Ella Emhoff grew up around politics

As the step-daughter to Kamala Harris, there's no question that Ella Emhoff is around politicians and political debates all the time. After all, she is the second daughter of the United States! As it turns out, politics is nothing new for her. In an interview with The New York Times, Emhoff revealed that she and her brother were raised in a very political household.


"Cole and I grew up having knowledge of politics," she explained. "When Proposition 8 was happening [in California, which would have banned same-sex marriage in the state], we were really active in that," she went on. It sounds like Emhoff is used to discussing politics around the dinner table, at the very least.

However, she did confess that since Harris' new job role as vice president to President Joe Biden, things have changed. "Now this is like, we're really in it," she said. "We're learning the behind the scenes. We're learning policy." By the sounds of things, Emhoff will have plenty of chances to become even more politically engaged and aware.

Family life can be pretty intense for Ella Emhoff

One thing's for sure — the Emhoff household is not exactly an easygoing one. Apparently, with Kamala Harris as your stepmom, there's a lot of pressure to succeed. Even Doug Emhoff sounds like a pretty tough parent.


As Ella Emhoff explained to The New York Times, "We always joke that whenever we bring our friends over for the first time they're going to get grilled. Like, if you don't have your 10-year plan, like, fully ready and outlined in a spreadsheet for them, you're not going to survive that meal." Her brother, Cole, chimed in, adding that their parents "don't do well with small talk." As Ella Emhoff summed up, "They're definitely ... they're strong."

And it didn't start just when Harris entered the picture. The siblings also revealed that their mother, Kerstin, is a strong character, too. "My mom was 'bad cop,'" Emhoff recalled. Wow, it certainly sounds like her family's full of super high achievers!


Ella Emhoff and her brother bonded with their dad after he divorced their mother

Having parents divorce is never easy. Ella Emhoff was around 8 years old when her father, Doug Emhoff, split from her mother, Kerstin Emhoff (via Today). While the divorce was undoubtedly difficult for her and her brother, it also gave them the chance to bond with their dad.


Her brother, Cole, told The New York Times, "There was like a period of, I don't know how many years, when we called ourselves the 'Palazzo Crew,'" he said, adding, "Because when Doug moved out, he moved into this apartment complex called the Palazzo." Oh yeah, Ella and Cole apparently have always called their father "Doug."

Ella Emhoff went on to explain that the breakup forced them to figure out a new "dynamic." As she put it, "It definitely, for the three of us, was really bonding." She also explained that, in her opinion, the friendly dynamic of her parents post-divorce is pretty healthy. "I think it is a good model to show that you can have this and this isn't weird." It really does sound like this modern family has it all figured out.


Ella Emhoff is a big dog lover

Ella Emhoff loves dogs. One look at her Instagram page is enough to tell you that! In one photo, she showed off her adorable pooch wrapped up in a blue towel, and wrote simply, "#mancrusheveryday." In another photo, she posted a super cute photo of another dog asleep on a sofa, and wrote just, "Baby Alfie." Another photo shows a dog called Louis.


She even knit a hat with long ears and called it a "dog bunny hat." And she has saved stories on Instagram dedicated solely to dog pictures. Throughout the highlight reel, there are literally dozens of different dogs. We can't tell how many dogs Emhoff has of her own, but it's clear this girl loves each and every dog she comes across. In fact, as Emhoff even told Garage, she even did her own tattoo of her dog's name. She's a real dog fanatic!

Ella Emhoff has a wonderful relationship with her stepmother Kamala Harris

Even though Ella Emhoff has admitted that Kamala Harris can be pretty intense as a stepmom, it's clear that the pair have an excellent relationship. In 2019, Harris wrote an essay for Elle about her two stepkids. As Harris recalled, she had been nervous to meet Doug Emhoff's kids at first. "Cole and Ella could not have been more welcoming," she wrote. She even confessed that she was "already hooked on Doug, but I believe it was Cole and Ella who reeled me in."


Over time, their relationship got closer and closer. Ella and Cole Emhoff decided to call Harris "Momala," a play on Kamala, rather than the more rigid "stepmom." Harris also explained that the whole family comes together for Sunday dinner. It's clear that Harris really has become another mother figure for the siblings. "They are my endless source of love and pure joy," Harris gushed.

Ella Emhoff is an up-and-coming artist who creates funky knitted items

As of 2021, Ella Emhoff is studying art at Parsons in New York, and according to Refinery29, she lives in Bushwick. While she may have been catapulted to fame when her stepmother became the vice president of the United States, day-to-day, she is just a young artist coming into her own.


Emhoff spoke with Garage about her work, and we have to admit — it sounds pretty cool. At the time, she was busy with her thesis project — "a patchwork jacket that includes a lot of different knitting and textile techniques and a lot of different script from old diaries." Apparently, the jacket will be a reflection of her "emo" childhood, inspired by old cartoons. As for the future, she hopes to sell her items. "I think the goal is definitely to have my own knitwear brand, label, whatever you call it," she shared, describing her dream of setting up a shop and selling pre-made and custom-made knitted items.

In fact, those dreams are already becoming a reality. Her Instagram page is filled with her colorful creations — and she's even taken commissions from a few customers!


Ella Emhoff was vocal about the importance of COVID-19 precautions

Let's face it — plenty of Americans didn't exactly take kindly to the guidelines and rules surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. In fact, there was a fierce debate about the virus, especially when it came to mask-wearing. Kamala Harris was clear on her views that masks should be worn. In fact, she even pushed for them to be made free of charge. Her step-daughter, Ella Emhoff, followed in her footsteps and openly stated her pro-mask beliefs.


In July of 2020, Emhoff took to Instagram. She posted a selfie wearing a gorgeous frilled floral mask, and wrote, "As California begins shutting down again it's VITAL that everyone wears a mask." She went on to ask her followers to take note of friends who didn't wear masks and "call them out even if it's uncomfortable." At the end of her powerful plea, she summed up, "I'm sorry but your slight discomfort is not more important than thousands of lives." Powerful words — who knows, maybe Emhoff also has a future in politics!

Ella Emhoff seems to have a wonderful relationship with her brother

As Cole Emhoff explained to The New York Times, he became very close with his sister and father in the period after his father's divorce. By the looks of things, Ella and Cole are still just as close as ever. In 2015, she posted an Instagram photo of her brother for his 21st birthday, writing, "I can't wait to see you," with heart emojis. In 2017, she posted for his birthday again, this time writing, "Easily the coolest brother and bestest friend. I love and miss you a lot." How sweet! Ella seems lucky to have such a close relationship with her brother.


And while Cole doesn't have many photos on his Instagram page, he did post a series of behind-the-scenes videos of Ella at the 2021 inauguration. The pair seem to have to have an amazing relationship!

How Ella Emhoff's mom found out about her first tattoo

Ella Emhoff's Instagram page shows off her colorful, funky artwork and her bohemian Brooklyn lifestyle. A quick glance at her photos will tell you that she has quite a few tattoos. As Ella revealed to The New York Times, her mother, Kerstin, actually found out about her first tattoo through an Instagram picture. Needless to say, she was pretty shocked. When asked about the incident, Emhoff said, "Oh my God. OK. Well, when it comes to stuff like that, I think they all have conflicting ideas — and all of their ideas are like, 'EL-LA.' So I don't tell them." Sounds like Emhoff's lifestyle doesn't quite align with those of her parents. As her brother joked, "Ella just banks on wearing long sleeves when she needs to."


In an interview with Garage, Emhoff actually revealed that she got really into tattoos during the COVID-19 pandemic. She's even done some of her own tattoos. "It's super fun," she said. "I don't think it's something I would ever want to pursue [professionally], but it's fun to just do it to yourself or do it to a friend." Wow, no wonder her mother was a little shocked.

Ella Emhoff had to adjust to life in the public eye

Ella Emhoff didn't grow up in the public eye. She wasn't truly exposed to that degree of celebrity until her stepmother, Kamala Harris, was selected as Joe Biden's running mate in 2020 (via BBC News). Before that, Emhoff and her brother were completely unknown. However, when Harris became the first female vice president, the siblings were shot into the public eye. As she told The New York Times, "When we went to see them for Election Day, it really hit me, like, Whoa." She went on to explain that they had to learn to adjust to having loads of people around all the time. "I think the idea of sharing our parents with the world is kind of insane," she mused.


Her brother, Cole, also noted that switching on the TV to see their parents on the screen will take some getting used to. "I'm like, 'Wait, you don't belong there! But I guess you do?'" Sounds like these two siblings will have a lot to get used to during the Biden presidency.

Ella Emhoff is a proud supporter of trans rights

Ella Emhoff seems to have a crystal clear belief system — perhaps something she inherited from her stepmother! One of the issues she has proudly supported online trans rights. In a few Instagram posts in 2020, Emhoff announced that she would support the organization For the Gworls by holding a raffle, with winners receiving a pair of handmade knit pants she'd crafted.


For The Gworls is a "Black, trans-led collective that curates parties to fundraise money to help Black transgender people pay for their rent, gender-affirming surgeries, smaller co-pays for medicines/doctor's visits, and travel assistance."

As the artist explained in one post, the organization was hugely important to her. "They are doing really beautiful work and are currently seeking more funds to help them shorten their assistance wait time." Good for her — it's clear that Ella Emhoff has a strong social conscience.

Ella Emhoff is no stranger to modeling work

While Ella Emhoff seems to be well on her way to becoming a professional knitwear artist, she may also have another career in her future — modeling. According to her Instagram page, she is currently represented by Joseph Charles Viola. Apparently, Viola is a "stylist, casting director, scout, mother agent, photographer and producer."


In 2021, Viola posted an image of Emhoff at the inauguration, explaining that he met Emhoff in 2019. "I didn't represent more than 1 or 2 women at the time because what I was scouting for was so specific." He went on to describe how Ella had the "exact energy" he was after: "charismatic, charming, creative, but most importantly, unapologetically herself."

Emhoff  posted a stunning black and white modeling image in 2020, and we have to say, she makes a wonderful model. We can't wait to see where her budding modeling career takes her.

Ella Emhoff became a national style icon at the 2021 inauguration thanks to her coat

While you may have heard of Ella Emhoff before the inauguration, she definitely popped up on your radar after the big day. The second daughter almost instantly went viral online after viewers noticed her phenomenal coat. The coat in question was by Miu Miu, and featured a fitted waist, a checked pattern, a large white collar, and, most importantly, a sea of golden sequins on the shoulders. As Glamour noted, Emhoff's look made quite the stir — in fact, it basically stole the show.


Twitter was sent into a frenzy when users saw the coat. One user wrote, "As an artsy teen, I feel the need to note how much Ella Emhoff's representation means to us." Another commented on other aspects of her look, writing, "Everyone's talking about Ella Emhoff's sparkly coat but can I just say how nice it is to see Jewish curls in their natural if slightly [windblown] state in a town of near-universal blow-drying and hair ironing?" Yet another wrote, "It bothered me that Ivanka had a fashion line and it will bother me more if Ella Emhoff doesn't." We admit it — we're obsessed, too.

Ella Emhoff is set to become a political fashion icon

Ella Emhoff became a viral sensation after appearing at the 2021 inauguration thanks to her killer coat. However, it turns out, she was wearing another incredible piece underneath. She spoke to Vogue about how she worked with the designer Batsheva Hay to create the iconic dress she wore to the event — a retro, maxi red prairie dress with long, puffed sleeves. Emhoff explained that she had a pretty good idea of what she wanted. "My mood board was very 'little girl,' in a sense, a lot of scalloped collars and big silhouette shoulders and small buttons." She added, "This momentous of an event deserves a momentous outfit."


Hay went on to note that Emhoff's style was bound to make a huge stir in Washington. "D.C. has the worst style," she said bluntly. However, by the sounds of things, we can expect some exciting fashions out of the Biden administration. As Emhoff said, "Amongst Dr. Biden and Damala and Meena [Harris] and me, though, I guess there is kind of some anticipation about what we're going to put out there in terms of fashion."

