The Real Reason You Recognize The 2020 Girl From The Commercial

You know those people who find true love through dating apps and then gush about it so much that you almost believe that internet love is possible? Or, at least more likely than the existence of Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy or Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt forever? Yeah. That's not what happened when millions of us collectively laughed at's latest commercial series. Because there's no way in hell that we mistook the living representation of 2020 for someone we wished we could be IRL. And, while the man behind satan (whom Distractify identifies as the tallest bodybuilder on the face of the earth) might be hunk-a-dunk, there's no way anyone really wants to date the devil? Are we right?


While you may not want to be the character she plays, the woman in the commercial might have struck a chord in another way. If you're scratching your head with a serious case of deja vu, that's no mistake. You're probably used to seeing her on screen, perhaps in some of your favorite TV series. Let us introduce you: your new favorite actress' name is Natalie Roy. 

Where you've seen Natalie Roy before

Natalie Roy has been acting since she was a little girl. "I loved the Beauty and the Beast Disney movie, I used to sing it to myself all the time as a kid growing up." She further told Huddle: "I used to run up and down the road and in our backyard performing and making plays, so I feel like that creative impulse was always inside of me." The actress did theater in her home country, Canada, at the beginning of her career, but has since moved to New York.


Roy's IMDb resume is undeniably impressive. If you binged on The Affair, there's a chance you recognize the actress as Jenny. If, on the other hand, Law & Order: SVU is your thing, maybe you'll know the actress as guest-star stint as Hannah Levy in the episode "Sheltered Outcasts." Or, maybe you recognize her from Blindspot, in which she plays Courtney Puritsky. Even if haven't seen Roy in any of the previous, you may have caught her on a 2021 episode of Bull ("Fallen Idols"), where she acted alongside NCIS' Michael Weatherly as Olivia Wright.

As for how Natalie Roy liked filming the commercial? "The week that we filmed it was pouring rain every day and freezing cold," she recounted to Huddle, "We were laughing and saying, 'Well of course this is what 2020 would be like and of course they would be having a picnic in the rain!' That makes total sense. "


