Read This Before Planning Your Christmas Dinner

We've all felt the constant presence of the COVID-19 virus these past months, whether through the loss of loved ones, the loss of employment, or even just the falling through of plans due to lockdown and government restrictions intended to slow the spread. Yet, as difficult as it has been, the pandemic still isn't over.


For many, the threat of contracting the virus is outweighed by the thought of losing out on holiday traditions and even more time spent with family and friends, especially after such long periods of relative isolation. However, in many areas, those holiday plans are being thwarted by new regulations in an effort to avoid further calamity (via Good Housekeeping). In Michigan, for instance, the governor has banned all restaurants from offering indoor dining and also imposed restrictions on indoor and outdoor residential gatherings in the lead-up to the holidays (via Associated Press). But Michigan isn't the only state with new regulations that could mean the cancellation of Christmas.

Other states cracking down on Christmas

Washington state, also dealing with an increase of coronavirus cases, has imposed similar restrictions for the month of December, prohibiting multi-house indoor gatherings unless all attendees have quarantine for 14 days beforehand, or tested negative for the virus and quarantined for at least a week (via Associated Press).


These restrictions come in the wake of multiple states, including California and Texas, passing the one million case mark since the pandemic began. According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, these restrictions are necessary as the U.S. heads into yet another difficult period, especially after the CDC warned people not to travel for Thanksgiving and more than 9 million ignored the advice (via CNBC). It's important to remember, as we adapt our holiday celebrations, that ignoring these warnings could, and likely will, have dangerous effects, both for individuals and for our healthcare systems. In fact, Governor Newson warns that California's I.C.U. beds could be full even before Christmas (via New York Times). Meanwhile, it may take weeks before we see the true effect of Thanksgiving travel on the pandemic numbers. So, be careful, quarantine before and after socializing, and remember that a vaccine is coming, just probably not for Christmas.


