Rachel Maddow Reveals The Real Reason She Had To Quarantine In Heartbreaking Video

One of MSNBC's biggest stars hasn't been on set lately, and up until today, most of us had only known that Rachel Maddow was quarantining because she had been exposed to someone who had COVID. In tonight's show and in a heartbreaking reveal, Maddow said that "someone" was her longtime partner, Susan Mikula. "Susan is the only thing that I would kill or die for without hesitation," Maddow said, before revealing that Mikula has been struggling with COVID for the past two weeks, and that they thought there would be a possibility that the illness would take Mikula's life (via Twitter). Maddow then revealed that she had been caring for Mikula on her own at home. 


"The bottom line is that she is going to be fine... she's still sick but she'll be okay," Maddow said, before pleading with her audiences to take the disease seriously. "Whatever you have calculated into your life as acceptable risk, as inevitable risk, something that you're willing to go through in terms of this virus because statistically... it will be fine for you," Maddow said as she insisted that it might be dire for your loved ones. "I'm just here to recalibrate that. Frankly, the country needs you to recalibrate that, because broadly speaking, there's no room for you in the hospital anymore."

Maddow's frank confession came just hours after the CDC discouraged large gatherings and travel during the Thanksgiving holiday.


Rachel Maddow's confession stirred up the internet

Rachel Maddow's fans were out in full force over social media to support the MSNBC star after she shared her heartfelt words on camera. One follower tweeted the video with the caption: "This is must watch TV: Rachel Maddow talks about her partner Susan's struggle with Covid. This will take your breath away." Another said: "We all loved @maddow before tonight, but this is next level love that I feel for my friend and colleague for opening her life and her home and her heart tonight. Especially when she took her IFB off to check on the noise." A third tweeted: "Amazingly touching and effective in framing the impacts and threats we all are facing! Simply incredible segment that you rarely see on TV! You rock Rachel and all the best to you and Susan!!!" 


And then there was the heartbreaking comment from one social media user, who said: "...I lost my Mama Saturday to Covid. I'm glad Susan will be ok but I'm jealous and I'm mad at myself about it."

