Nicole Kidman's Surprise PCA Appearance Nobody Saw Coming

When we see two mega-watt stars air kiss each other in public, we generally have questions about whether this is a made-for-media matchup, or whether the friendship is genuine. Such is likely the case when it comes to the relationship between Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Lopez, who, if the tabloids can be believed, might have had a frosty relationship in the past, because of what papers say was Kidman's unhappiness over the way her husband Keith Urban and Jennifer Lopez was seen to be flirting on American Idol (via Business Times). 


But those rumors might have been laid to rest tonight, when Kidman recorded a special message for Lopez as she was named The People's Icon of 2020 at this year's People's Choice Awards. In a pre-recorded message, Kidman said from Australia: "I didn't want to miss this opportunity to say congratulations on the People's Choice Icon Award. You are the true definition of an icon. I have known you for a long time now, and I've watched you go from strength to strength. But I will never forget bringing my sister to your Vegas show, you came off stage after two hours, and Benny was standing there and I said 'Are you sure she's ok, we don't want to interrupt' and he he said 'come on in!' and you were standing there, as if you could go on again... You were just POWER... I can't wait to give you a hug when all of this is over."


"2020 was a great leveler": Lopez

During her acceptance speech, Lopez called out 2020 and everything that has happened so far this year. "2020 is no joke, right? Before 2020, we were obsessing about winning this award or getting nominated for that award or we were caught up on who sold the most records," she said (via Billboard).


"This year was the great leveler, it showed us what mattered, what didn't. And for me, reinforced what matters most. People. All of us, together. Helping each other, loving each other, being kind to each other and the importance of that connection, that human touch," she continued.

She also opened up about challenges about being a Latina woman in today's divided society. "I have seen and I have learned a lot and I am still learning and I want to thank you and tell you how much I appreciate you for letting me do that in front of you all of these years. As a Latina and as a woman, we have to work twice as hard to get the opportunities. Sometimes my big dreams and my ambitions, it made the people around me nervous," she finished.


