Trump's Chief Of Staff Reveals Bad News About His COVID-19 Status

Mark Meadows, President Donald Trump's White House Chief of Staff, has made headlines lately, but this time it's much more personal. Meadows has revealed to associates (via Bloomberg News) that he has tested positive for COVID-19, at a time when the nation is setting records for daily cases.


According to ABC News, "Two senior administration officials confirmed Friday that Meadows had tested positive for the virus... Meadows traveled with Trump in the run-up to Election Day and last appeared in public early Wednesday morning without a mask as Trump falsely declared victory in the vote count.CNN White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins also tweeted about the chief of staff's movements, saying, "Worth noting that Mark Meadows was at the election night party at the White House Tuesday that hundreds of people attended. Officials said everyone would be tested beforehand."

CNN confirmed the news live on-air Friday night, saying that it's notable because Meadows "works in close proximity with not only the president, but has been around several campaign officials and top West Wing aides" in the last few days.


Mark Meadows has been known not to wear a mask

Mark Meadows is reported to have undergone daily coronavirus testing since the president himself tested positive for COVID-19 in October, and has continued working his typical schedule, according to ABC. However, Bloomberg News reports that the outbreak may not be limited to just Meadows, as Nick Trainer, a Trump campaign aide, is also said to have contracted the virus. 


CNN reports that it's not clear when Meadows tested postitive, but that he had not been around other officials on Friday. CNN also reveals that Meadows has been known not to wear a mask, and when asked to do so on Capitol Hill by a reporter, said he would not talk with one on.

In October, when Trump was confirmed to have COVID-19, Meadows made headlines for breaking from the president's medical team's message, and admitting that he thought that Trump was faring worse than was being disclosed (via The Guardian). 

Meadows, according to CNN, was present at the White House post-election night event, where he was also seen not wearing a mask. This would not be the first superspreader event from the White House, as Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court announcement was also the epicenter of an outbreak. As of this writing, whether or not Meadows has any symptoms has not been confirmed. 


