Here's How Much Nancy Pelosi Is Really Worth

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, has a famously contentious relationship with members of the opposing party. While Donald Trump actually tweeted about her after the 2018 midterm elections, "In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be chosen Speaker of the House by the Democrats...She has earned this great honor!", that may have been the only nice(ish) thing he's ever said about her. The anything-but-lovefest goes both ways, with Pelosi not having spoken to the outgoing POTUS for over a year, although she did express some sympathy when he was diagnosed with COVID-19. Still, if there was ever a chance for rapport between the two, the most recent impeachment hearings over which she's been presiding, the ones meant to bar him from ever again holding office after the events resulting in a riot at the Capitol... well, let's just say the two will not be exchanging Christmas cards any time this century.


While a rare scenario in which Pelosi could possibly have become acting president should the election results have failed to meet the certification deadline (CBS 13 in Baltimore explains this in further detail) did not come to pass, Pelosi doesn't seem too disappointed by this. She has, after all, ascended to the highest congressional office ever held by a woman, and Celebrity Net Worth says she has a personal net worth of $120 million to show for it.

Pelosi got off to a good start in life

Pelosi was practically born into politics, having grown up as the daughter of Baltimore's mayor. She used to help her father with his mayoral duties (or at least with keeping tabs on who owed him favors, via Business Insider) and by age 12 had attended her first (but not her last) DNC. She attended college at Trinity University in DC, and it was there she met her future hubby, Paul, who was himself attending Georgetown.


By 1969, the charms of Charm City were beginning to wear off for Paul, so the family packed their bags — and their five kids — and returned to his hometown of San Francisco where he brought home the bacon by working as a banker. After trading Natty Bo and crab cakes for chardonnay and cioppino, Mrs. Pelosi began dabbling in left coast (as well as moderately left-wing) politics, helping out with Jerry Brown's 1976 presidential run and later serving as chair of the state's Democratic party and chairing the host committee for the 1984 DNC. By 1987, Pelosi's kids were all grown and flown, or at least in college, and this is when her political career really began to take off. When her political mentor, Congresswoman Sala Burton, died in office, Pelosi ran for that congressional seat (via SF Gate). She won, and it was all onwards and upwards from there.


Pelosi and her husband did well in the real estate biz

Paul Pelosi may have started off in banking while his wife pursued a passion for politics, Money, Inc. says that the two have made most of their joint fortune from investing in real estate. They own some very high-end properties (no slumlords, the Pelosis), one of these being a house in San Francisco's pricey Pacific Heights that they purchased for a mere $2.25 million back in 2007. According to Velvet Ropes, that property, as of 2014, may have appreciated by as much as $25 million — not bad for something that was bought during the mid-'00s housing bubble! Another wise purchase the Pelosis made was their 2,325 square foot K Street condo just a short commute from Pelosi's home in the House. The couple plunked down just $650,000 for the property in 1999, and it's today worth over $2 mil.


While a personal fortune of $120 million doesn't exactly land Pelosi in the billionaire boys club — that, and the fact that she's not a boy — it's still nothing to be sneezed, coughed, or even sniffled at (particularly if you're not wearing a mask). She's not just a one percenter, but more like a one tenth of one percenter. Even amongst the other rich kids, she doesn't come off too shabbily: as of 2018, Open Secrets has Pelosi listed as the 7th-wealthiest of our nation's lawmakers.

After Pelosi's political career is through, she's still got investments to fall back on

During Pelosi's career as a mere senator, she would have brought home a six-figure salary (Fox Business says senators currently get $174,000), and now that she's Madame Speaker, she nets $223,500. Not too shabby, since she also gets to write off some of her DC living expenses and travel costs as well as receiving excellent insurance and retirement benefits. So is Pelosi, aged 80, planning to claim those benefits any time soon? According to ABC News, the only woman ever to serve as House speaker pledged to step down from her leadership role after serving this last term, so she's likely to call it quits after the 2022 elections. While she hasn't said anything about leaving her Congressional seat altogether, should she choose to do so at the age of 82, she'll have given it a good run. After all, she and her husband won't have to worry about living off a fixed income.


Money, Inc. says the Pelosis own significant shares in companies like Facebook, Apple, Comcast, Shutterfly and the Walt Disney Company as well as office buildings and other commercial properties throughout the state of California, while Celebrity Net Worth adds that the couple also have and a vineyard in Napa County valued at between $5 million and $25 million. It's looking like neither Nancy and Paul Pelosi will be short on funds — or wine — during their golden years.

