This Common Type Of Foundation Could Be Making You Look Older

"I want to use beauty products that make me look older," said no one ever — no really, like ever. If you want to wear makeup that helps you feel fresh and vibrant, not ahem, more mature, there is definitely a type of foundation you should steer clear of. And the reason is pretty simple.


"Mature skin has more texture than younger skin," makeup artist Fiona Stiles told Allure, adding, "Fine — or not so fine — lines and larger pores can make foundation look mask-like at best and incredibly unflattering at the worst." The outlet recommends opting for a hydrating formula, which rules out powder foundation.

Sorry if powder foundation is your go-to product — but it is definitely time to rid your makeup collection of all traces of it if looking older is the opposite of the effect you are trying to achieve.

Why powder foundation is the enemy of mature skin

According to Southern Living, powder foundation is the wrong pick for mature skin because it is overly drying — when that's the last thing we need! As Dermatologist Carolyn Jacob, MD, explained to WebMD about the aging process, "The skin doesn't produce as much natural moisturizing factor as it used to, and the top layers of skin become dry." With that fact in mind, powder foundation, which can settle into fine lines, only serves to draw attention to skin's loss of suppleness.


Prevention echoes the notion that powder foundation only accentuates fine lines. Again, a hydrating formula is best to prevent skin from looking older than it is. Just keep in mind that no matter how moisturizing your foundation may be, you also want to avoid the pancake effect of piling on your makeup. Over-application will result in makeup settling into the lines of your face, too. Instead, opt for "less is more" at first and layer coverage (via Allure). Finally, using a sponge will help you achieve the best, most youthful-looking results.

