Caroline Giuliani: The Truth About Rudy Giuliani's Daughter

Look at her social media. Caroline Rose Giuliani is not just a foot-tattooed, yoga-practicing, wilderness lovingRuth Bader Ginsburg admirer who takes trips to tropical paradises like Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and Rainmaker, Costa Rica armed with a selfie stick. It's October 2020. We're less than a month away from election day 2020, and Caroline Rose Giuliani's Twitter feed is dedicated to one thing. She's fact-checking and otherwise writing withering comebacks to her father, Rudy Giuliani's, pro-Trump posts. (One of her most recent Twitter clapback refutes Rudy's "Biden Crime Family" accusation. "I, for one, do not support spreading false gossip about a politician's child. Just saying..." she wrote.)


Check out her Instagram. The 31-year-old looks startlingly like her mother, the Law and Order actress Donna Hannover. And, if you know Caroline from Harvard, you might not have realized she was Giuliani's offspring at all. While attending the Ivy League Institution, Caroline, per The New York Post, "shunned her famous last name," opting instead for her mother's. She admitted as much, herself, in a recent, explosive Vanity Fair essay. In it, she wrote that "being the daughter of a polarizing mayor who became the president's personal bulldog" is  "a difficult confession — something I usually save for at least the second date."

Caroline Rose Giuliani is out of the closet. "The stakes are too high," she pleads with Vanity Fair's readers, "I may not be able to change my father's mind, but together, we can vote this toxic administration out of office." 


This isn't the first time that Caroline Giuliani has made election-related headlines

Have you been paying attention? This isn't her first rodeo. It's not even her second. The press has been after Caroline Rose Giuliani's political opinions (and dissecting her non-relationship with her father) since the Obama-McCain election in 2008. Then, the 17-year-old Caroline made Intelligencer headlines for asking to be called just "Caroline Rose or Caroline Rose G." She went viral, says Politico, for joining a Facebook group in support of Obama. The public scrutiny was too much (either for her or her father) and Caroline deleted her Facebook page in the aftermath.  


But in 2016, Caroline Rose G. wasn't backing down. "I realized I needed to speak out in a more substantial way than just debating my dad in private," she writes in her Vanity Fair piece, "so I publicly supported Hillary Clinton and began canvassing for congressional candidates." Caroline's Facebook profile picture became an "H," in honor of Clinton's campaign. Politico was so impressed that they called her up. "I love Hillary, I think she's by far the most qualified candidate that we've had in a long while," she told the magazine. 

Salon broke the story when Caroline declared her support for Biden and Harris in August, tweeting: "It's a matter of life or (many) death(s) at this point." But if you follow her, you know she's been a Harris fan for much longer. She's even snapped a photo or two with the vice presidential nominee. 


Caroline Giuliani is an LGBTQ activist and film director

At least professionally, Caroline Rose Giuliani is following firmly in her mother's footsteps. A self-described "filmmaker in the LGBTQ+ community who tells stories about mental health, sexuality, and other stigmatized issues," it takes only one look at Caroline's resume to know she's going places. Giuliani was a director's assistant on Netflix' Someone Great. She's worked as a production assistant on HBO's Hello Ladies, and ABC's Trophy Wife. And she spent three years as an executive assistant to the Co-COO/Co-President of the Lionsgate Motion Picture Group, Steve Beeks.


And now she's about to release a movie. Caroline Rose G. recently announced on The Gram that the psychological thriller she "wrote & directed about the mental health ramifications of repressed rage," Or (Someone) Else, is set to premiere, virtually, in the Tryon International Film Festival. Want a preview? Or (Someone) Else's Instagram page is filled with broken mirrors and tense stills. (If nothing else, at least Caroline's director's chair was a cheery, hot pink.) If it's any indication, an original score, featured in the film, has already met with success, winning a Silver Medal For Outstanding Achievement at the 2020 Global Music Awards.

"My goal is to humanize people and foster empathy," Caroline Rose G. wrote in Vanity Fair, "So I hope you'll believe me when I say that another Trump term ... will irrevocably harm the LGBTQ+ community, among many others." 


