Mary Trump Came Out Swinging On Twitter During The VP Debate

We still don't know how many viewers tuned in to watch the debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic challenger Kamala Harris. What we do know is that there is one viewer out there that has tuned in and has used her platform to critique the Vice President's performance — President Donald Trump's niece Mary Trump. Mary, who has no love lost for her uncle, appears to feel the same way about his running mate, because she hit the ground running with a series of tweets calling out the Vice President. 


"A lie right off the bat. Plus racism. Why isn't Pence in prison?" she began. She launched into moderator Susan Page, asking: "Why are there even moderators at these debates?" for failing to keep the vice president from interrupting Pence as Harris was speaking. She also added: "If he is going to be allowed to lie, interrupt, and go over his allotted time, what exactly is the point of this?" in a reminder of Trump's constant violation of debate rules during the first presidential debate at the end of September.

She didn't hold back when it came to Pence either, saying: "There is no daylight between Donald and Mike Pence. He is just as cruel, just as mendacious, and just as culpable. But sure, let him keep lying and projecting," then tweeted, "Does anybody think this horrible man has an ounce of integrity or sincerity?"


Mary Trump called out the moderator for failing to control the Vice President

Mary Trump's tweets are resonating with the Twitterverse. Many support her issue with moderator Susan Page and her inability to stop Pence either from interrupting Harris or from speaking over his allotted time. One commenter said: "Agree!!! 1) He constantly goes over his 2 minutes!!! WTH 2) Harris was NOT referring to the American ppl but to DT's failure!! Pence started attacking her saying she should never talk this way abt the "American ppl." Moderator NEVER corrected him?? !! WTH!" along with angry face emojis. Another agreed, saying, "Exactly, Pence is doing the same thing as Trump but doing it a little quieter! But, it still shows his smug and arrogant attitude." A third went off on a rant, saying, "Another useless 'moderator.' When his time is up, it's up. Cut him off. Stop letting him use the first message to lie about whatever other thing he wants to lie about and then when she tells him his time is up, he just snots, 'Let me answer.' And then goes on lying about whatever else he wants to lie about. Doesn't answer the damn question ever."


More than a few called out the need for a mute button. But Mary Trump's brutal verdict didn't address the interruptions or the mute button. She simply said, "Lies, racism, misogyny, ignorance, and total contempt for the American people. That's all they've got."

