The Skincare Routine Changes You Should Make As Summer Turns To Fall

Fall is here, and if the world around you is changing, why shouldn't your skincare routine? If your summer moisturizers and exfoliants aren't giving you the glow you want, it may be time to switch it up. After all, just because the air is getting drier, doesn't mean your skin should be. 


According to Allure, one change you should make as we move into fall is switching out your light, oil-free moisturizer for the heavy-duty stuff. NYC board-certified dermatologist Shari Marchbein recommends using a thick moisturizer with ceramides, which, she explains, are "essential and healthy fatty acids that occur naturally in the skin but need to be replenished during the colder months."

You should also cut back on exfoliants and retinoids. As dermatologist Julia Tzu, also NYC-based, told Real Simple, they can irritate your skin. "Humidity and warm temperatures usually buffer the irritating effects of topical retinoids and exfoliants, probably because of increased oiliness of the skin." 


Fall skincare mean more moisturizing

"The start of fall should coincide with skin renewal and repair from the ravages of summer sun and heat," Beverly Hills dermatologist Ava Shamban noted to Allure. "The skin antioxidants can literally be depleted by all of the summer environmental exposure." 


Tzu also suggests adding lip moisturizer and eye creams to your routine. For the lips, she says, even something as basic as Vaseline will do the trick. She also suggests sticking with your summer sunscreen habits to decrease UV exposure, making sure you're getting plenty of Vitamin C, and investing in a humidifier to keep the air moist. With so many of us at home, that last one may be more helpful than ever. 

So you've got your fall skincare products ready to go — when do you know it's time to make the switch? Houston-based dermatologist DiAnne Davis explains to InStyle that when you find yourself reaching for a light jacket before you head outside or when you start to see your breath, you're ready to change it up. Of course, she cautions, it's a little different for everyone: "Some patients with sensitive skin or extremely dry skin may have to make adjustments sooner than patients with oilier skin." If your routine is starting to feel wrong, trust that instinct. 


