Mary Trump's Reaction To Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Death Is Turning Heads

Before 2020, few us in the public sphere knew who Mary Trump was. Even after her uncle Donald Trump became president, Mary, who has a master's degree in literature from Columbia and a doctorate in psychology from Aldelphi University stayed under the radar and in New York (via CNN). 


But all that changed when she burst into the limelight this summer with a tell-all book about her uncle the president, in a tome which was described as a "revelatory, authoritative portrait of Donald J. Trump and the toxic family that made him." The book was controversial because, as the president told Axios, "She's not allowed to write a book. You know, when we settled with her and her brother, who I do have a good relationship with — she's got a brother, Fred, who I do have a good relationship with, but when we settled, she has a total ... signed a nondisclosure." To add salt to the wounds, Mary Trump later released audio recordings where her aunt Maryanne Trump Barry described her brother the president as having no principles. 


Taking history into consideration, we probably should have expected a controversial tweet from Mary Trump upon hearing the news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death, but even so, her post caused a bit of a stir.

Mary Trump mourned Ruth Bader Ginsburg's passing on social media

Like many around the country, Mary Trump took to social media to mourn the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, though her sentiment was not universally received. 

"Take a moment. Breathe. And then we fight for our country the way she always did for us. Or we will lose everything," she tweeted. The call to action gathered more than 130,000 likes and 28,000 retweets within three hours of her post. 


One of her followers quoted Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's final statement, saying simply, "'My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.' Ruth Bader Ginsburg dying wish through her granddaughter. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dead at 87." Another responded, "I am ready to fight but I can't breathe right now. I hate 2020. I just can't today...." 

On the other side of the aisle, however, Trump's tweet was met with some resistance, with one person responding, "At least we can take solace in the fact that now we can appoint a Justice who is more moderate & conservative and not so Liberal. She was needed in her time back when women face inequality but now we need something different for the good of America."


