What Luke Bryan's Tattoos Really Mean

Luke Bryan is a man who really, really likes his ink. It seems his tattoo collection is ever-expanding, which is pretty par for the course among the tatted-up. As any number of people (including this Someecards user) have said, "Tattoos are like potato chips — you can't have just one!"


One of Bryan's more intriguing tattoos is the one that adorns his wrist, as it seems to be ever-expanding. In fact, Bryan did tell Country Countdown USA that "It grows every year. I add a little bit every year." As the tattoo is often hidden behind a watch, many may not be aware of all its different components, but Bryan broke it down for us. He said it contains the names of his two kids, Bo and Tate. It also includes a red star that commemorates his late brother-in-law, a man he'd known since he was 7 years old. He also added the first initials of his sister's kids whom he adopted after their dad's death (his sister having previously passed away). Bryan says he's not done adding to that tat yet, though: "I keep incorporating it into being something bigger. Who knows where it will spread to. Like ivy."


Two of Luke Bryan's tattoos are for love

Bryan also has several tattoos that speak of his love for his wife Caroline. He has one "CB" on his little finger, because, as he told Good Housekeeping, "One Valentine's Day, we got each other's initials tattooed on our ring fingers!"


He also has these same initials in another, more hidden place. According to what Jason Aldean told country music station WQYK (via WYRK), Bryan picked up the tattoo when the two musicians were on tour together. Aldean said: "You know, after you get a tattoo, when they start to heal they itch, and you want scratch it. Well, he kept complaining about it, and I was like, 'What is wrong with you?' And he told me he got a tattoo, and then proceeded to pull one of his ass cheeks out, and I could see her initials on it." Well, nothing says romance like an itchy butt. No word, though, as to whether his Mrs. matched this tat, as well.

But one of Luke Bryan's tattoos is for money

Another time, according to Saving Country Music, Bryan got matching tats with his bestie Aldean. The two apparently made quite the occasion of their mutual imprinting, with Bryan donning hunting gear and warpaint before he and Aldean tweeted out photos of their new tattoos.


So what image did the duo choose to share as long as their skin shall last? They both got the logo for the Buck Commander line of hunting products that both men have endorsed. While they may not have been paid directly by the company for this lifelong advertising deal, both are still listed on the company's website as "Buckmen" along with Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson and former MLB players Adam LaRoche, Ryan Langerhans, and Tombo Martin. So you could say Bryan and Aldean did make a few bucks out of the deal, whether or not they scored any of the green-backed kind.

