Eating Horseradish Every Day Does This To Your Body

Horseradish isn't just for bloody marys, sushi, and Passover anymore. It turns out that this spicy condiment could be just what you need to help with congestion, reduce inflammation, and even potentially fight cancer. So, if you can take the heat, it might be time to make horseradish a regular part of your diet. 


You know how, when you're all stuffed up, eating something spicy can sometimes clear your sinuses right up? Horseradish contains a compound called sinigrin, which is a natural antibiotic that can fight respiratory problems, per dietitian Rebecca Lewis (via Eat This, Not That!) In fact, according to the New York Sinus Center, the plant can even be a powerful way to fight sinusitis. Here's why (caution: gross sentence ahead): Horseradish fights against the mucus buildup you get from a sinus infection by reducing some of the harmful thick mucus the infection creates. 

So, by eating a moderate amount of horseradish every day, you'll be helping to keep your respiratory system healthy and well. It also has a host of other benefits.


Horseradish helps fight inflammation and more

Horseradish can be super helpful even if you don't have a sinus infection. For one thing, it's good for fighting inflammation. According to Verywell Health, sinigrin can block components of the immune system that cause inflammation and can help improve atherosclerosis, a chronic inflammatory disease. Plus, sinigrin can slow the spread of cancer and help fight against dangerous free radicals that damage cell health. Horseradish can help with urinary tract infections, too. One German studyeven found that compounds in horseradish deliver effects that are comparable to standard antibiotics (via PubMed). 


Don't jump right in and bombard your digestive system with a ton of horseradish all at once, especially if you're not used to eating it. Healthline cautions that, especially if you have digestive issues, horseradish can irritate your mouth, nose, or stomach. But go ahead and try horseradish in cocktail sauce, as a topping for lamb and other meats, or, of course, in a bloody mary. Dig in — it may be time to make horseradish a staple of your diet. 

