This Is Kellyanne Conway's Actual Net Worth

Presidential counselor and former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway is officially stepping down from her role in politics later this month, according to her statement (via Twitter). But even though she is one of the highest-paid staffers within the administration, the majority of her net worth stems from her time in the public sector.


Currently, she makes $183,000 per year on the White House payroll, making her one of 22 staffers who make that much (via Town & Country). But the Conway family's fortune is estimated between $10 to $39.3 million, with assets from both Kellyanne and her husband, George Conway. He worked as an attorney as well, graduating from Yale Law in 1987. He went on to represent high-profile clients, including Bill Clinton during his impeachment trial, the NFL, and Phillip Morris (via Business Insider).

Even so, Kellyanne has amassed an enormous fortune in her own right.

Kellyanne Conway's Polling Company earned her millions

In 1995, Kellyanne started her own firm, The Polling Company, that advised private corporations and politicians on women's voting habits (via Business Insider). The company made $1.9 million from the 2016 election alone. The mother of four sold the company in 2017 in order to avoid conflicts of interest within the White House. Kellyanne walked away with the company's valuation of between $1 and $5 million (via Politico).


Besides the earnings from her firm, Kellyanne also earns thousands in stock dividends (via Business Insider), along with holding two money market funds — one valued between $1 and $5 million, and the other estimated between $5 and $25 million. Her 2017 financial disclosure form also stated that she maintained a checking account of at least $500,000 (via Town and Country)

Between a six-figure salary at the White House, a former company worth multiple millions, lucrative stocks, and a husband who also works as an attorney, Kellyanne Conway has more than enough assets to show for her work in the private and public sectors. Only time will tell what the entrepreneurial lawyer will do next.

