What To Know About Christine From Sister Wives

If you're not familiar with Christine and the rest of the gang on TLC's "Sister Wives," well, you are seriously missing out. The show centers on the Brown family, who live a polygamist lifestyle and have to balance their controversial beliefs with raising a family — and all while cameras are rolling. It's interesting, for sure, and fans of the show are obsessed with watching Kody Brown and his four wives — the aforementioned Christine along with Meri, Janelle, and Robyn — go through life together.


There are some touching moments on the series that show that the Browns are essentially just like any other family, only with far more wives than is typical. It's only natural to want to know more about the Brown family, especially each of the wives. Christine, in particular, is one of the most interesting sister-wives on the show, for numerous reasons. Here's what you should know about the reality star who shared her hubby with three other women.

Christine Brown grew up in a polygamist family

When you learn that a couple is in a polygamous relationship — whether you've seen them on TV or happen to know them in real life — you may wonder how it happened. While it may seem like an usual arrangement to most people, it wasn't for Christine. The "Sister Wives" star actually grew up in a polygamist family, so entering into a plural marriage herself was a natural choice for her. That's not to stay she didn't have concerns, though. 


In an interview with ABC News, Christine explained, "I grew up in a polygamist family and I felt fear," she said. Christine also went on to say that the Browns just wanted better for their own children. "We were taught that we couldn't talk about our lifestyle ... and we were cautious of the police," she said of her own childhood. She continued, saying, "We haven't raised our kids that way. We haven't wanted our children to feel fear like that." Polygamy was basically all Christine had known prior to being on the show, which made the decision to stick to it much easier for her at the time.

Sisters Wives' Christine Brown isn't legally married to Kody Brown

Even though more and more people are accepting of the Brown family and their polygamist lifestyle, that doesn't mean the law accepts it. Because polygamy is illegal in the majority of states, Kody Brown is only legally married to one of his wives, Robyn. He was once married to Meri, but divorced her to adopt Robyn's children. Before she left Kody, he used to "spiritually" married to Christine, as well as his other wives, Janelle and Meri (per Good Housekeeping). Still, this union could get the remaining sister wives in trouble.


As legal expert Monica Lindstrom told Radar Online, "Under Arizona's Constitution, living with one wife and a spiritual wife, or two or three, etc., could meet the definition of 'polygamous cohabitation,' which is prohibited." Even though the Browns' idea of a spiritual marriage may mean Kody isn't legally tied to them, there were many ways Christine's spiritual marriage to Kody could have landed her in some hot water.

Christine Brown wanted sister wives more than a husband

In a polygamist family, you can't help but keep track of the wives in order of who came first, second, and so on. And interestingly enough, those numbers and the order in which each wife got married are actually pretty important, at least to Christine Brown. Christine was Kody's third wife, which was exactly how she wanted it.


Christine told Anderson Cooper on his show (via HuffPost) that she always wanted to be the third wife. As she explained on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Christine always knew she didn't want a man as much as a family. "I never wanted to just be married to a man," she said. "I honestly wanted sister wives more than a husband. I wanted the whole family. I didn't just want Kody."

Christine again professed her love for being a third wife in an interview with the Las Vegas Sun. The "Sister Wives" star stated, "I'm a third wife and I love it." Clearly, Christine knew what she was getting herself into in entering a polygamist family.

Sister Wives' Christine Brown star shares six kids with Kody

"Sister Wives" stars Christine and Kody Brown obviously don't have a conventional love story, as Kody already had two wives — Meri and Janelle — when he met Christine. However, the two did get to working on their own family pretty quickly after they got married. Christine and Kody have a total of six children together, which is a third of the total Brown family kids.


According to TLC, Kody proposed to Christine on their first date over Valentine's Day weekend 1994. Just one month later, they tied the knot and soon began welcoming kids into their family. Per TLC, the two have 6 children: Aspyn, Mykelti, Paedon, Gwendlyn, Ysabel, and Truely.

As Good Housekeeping noted, the youngest, Truely, was actually born during Season 1 of "Sister Wives" in 2010, whereas the oldest, Aspyn, was born in 1995, meaning Christine had been having children for the majority of her and Kody's marriage.

Christine Brown's dad supported her decision to become a sister wife

It's no secret that many parents wouldn't be on board with one of their children entering into a polygamous relationship. But since Christine Brown grew up in a polygamous family and was well-versed in that lifestyle, it should come as no surprise that her own family was pretty happy and totally onboard with her decision to marry Kody and become his third wife. And, as it turns out, Christine's dad was majorly invested in her relationship with Kody, and was a huge supporter of the pairing.


In an interview with ABC News, Christine explained how she and Kody got together. "I talked to my Dad first — he had wanted me to marry Kody for years, so he heartily agreed," she said. Having parents to support your relationship can obviously make all the different for a couple, but it seems as though Christine's dad had been wanting her to be a sister wife alongside Meri and Janelle for a while before she and Kody tied the knot (spiritually, of course).

Christine Brown has undergone an incredible transformation

When you've been on a reality television show for as long as Christine Brown had been on "Sister Wives," it makes sense that people would get used to seeing you look a certain way. If Christine were to cut her hair super short or start wearing a full face of makeup constantly, fans would notice, as that's different for her norm. So, when Christine's weight loss transformation made its rounds on social media, fans simply had to know what she was doing — and Christine wasn't opposed to sharing.


According to In Touch Weekly, Christine addressed her fans on Instagram, writing, "I eat for my blood type and work out." When a fan asked, "Where do you find the information on eating for your blood type?" Christine replied, "Just online. I've read about it for years and I just did it." She continued, commenting, "And I love it!"

Christine Brown is distantly related to Kody Brown

Christine and Kody Brown may be related by more than just their spiritual marriage. As Radar Online reported, "Kody and Christine share relatives William Moore Allred and Orissa Angela Bates, making them distant cousins." They share a great-great-grandparent, which makes them fourth cousins


Although this is a distant relationship, they are still indeed blood relatives. However, this isn't entirely shocking for the area in which they grew up. As ScreenRant explained, "Fans of the family know that the church they once belonged to, The Apostolic United Brethren, is a small group of closely-knit people. Not shockingly, most of the members share the same ancestors." 

Although Christine and Kody's other wives do not share any of the same DNA, they, of course, view each other in a sisterly way. "In being in the same family, you have to sort of develop a sister relationship or friendship in order to all get along," Oprah Winfrey explained on her show. Meri agreed, saying, "It's definitely a very bonding experience. We're sisters in that sense, and we're very close."


Christine Brown enjoyed being the homemaker

Though all of the wives on "Sister Wives" have the freedom to go out and do their own thing, Christine Brown had pretty much always been the stay-at-home mom of the group during her time on the show. 


In an interview with the Las Vegas Sun, Janelle Brown explained that she enjoyed working. "I feel very liberated," Janelle said. "I have a career, my independence and freedom. I've never had to stay at home with sick kids or worry too much about what's for dinner," she added, to which Meri agreed. However, Christine was revealed by the publication to be a homemaker — and she wouldn't really want it any other way. With 18 kids total, it didn't hurt that Christine enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom, right?

Although the women have chosen their own roles, they, of course, are still all wives to one husband. And they all hope to see that kind of relationship normalized one day, especially Christine (when she was still a sister wife). "My grandfather was put in prison because of his beliefs and all of his wives were separated. My father was 12 years old when this happened, and his family never got back together, even when my father got out. It was tragic," she told the publication. "That truth has to end."


Christine Brown described her family as 'very patriarchal'

Christine Brown from "Sister Wives" may live in the modern world and even star on a reality television show, but that doesn't mean she isn't without her traditional values. In fact, they were something she took quite a lot of pride in, and she expressed no shame about her beliefs.


In an interview with the Las Vegas Sun, Christine revealed, "I feel our family is very patriarchal, but it's exactly what I wanted," she said. "I just want to be a princess in life." Her husband's other wives, however, view things differently. "Patriarchy has a very negative connotation for me," Janelle explained. "It's true that Kody is the glue that holds us together, but I definitely have my voice." Meri agreed.

Considering Christine was raised in a polygamous family, she might have stronger ties to a more patriarchal family model. Whatever the reason, though, Christine demonstrated that she was both old-fashioned and progressive at the same time.

Sister Wives' Christine Brown has a side hustle

Christine Brown may have spent the majority of her married life as a stay-at-home mom and one of four sister wives, but she also began working for a notorious multilevel marketing company. Both Christine and Meri sell products by LuLaRoe, a company which has come under fire for many reasons, as Deadline reported.


She even has a link to her private Facebook group, "Christine Brown sells LuLaRoe," on her Instagram page, making it clear that she's dedicated to her side hustle. In the group's "About" section, Christine wrote, "Get ready for some fun while you shop from the comfort of your own home buying fabulous, cozy and comfortable clothes." 

Additionally, Christine posts numerous Instagram photos of herself modeling LuLuRoe clothing, using hashtags for the brand as well. Christine also came under fire for posting a controversial photo of herself to advertise LuLaRoe amid nationwide protests in 2020. 

Sister Wives' Christine Brown is protective of her children

In a large family like the Browns from "Sister Wives," it would be understandable for some of the kids to fly under the radar from the supervision of their parents from time to time. But as "Sister Wives" fans know, that really doesn't happen. Kody and all four of his wives are very supportive and protective of all of their kids, and Christine has felt the need to step in when she thinks one of her children is making a mistake.


As People reported back in 2016, Christine was especially protective when her daughter, Mykelti, got engaged to someone when she was just 19 years old. "I don't even know Tony," Christine said about her daughter's fiancé. "Mykelti's just so young ... I didn't imagine growing up so fast, because marriage is a huge, grownup step. I'm like, 'You're a baby.'" Of course, Mykelti ended up tying the knot and her family — including Christine — were there to support her, but that didn't mean Christine wasn't super protective at first.

Christine Brown from Sister Wives has strong faith

The stars of TLC's "Sister Wives" obviously lead interesting lives, and people can't help but be fascinated by their belief system. But the family isn't all that different than other religious households — well, minus the whole "four wives" thing. 


According to In Touch Weekly, the Brown family belongs to the Apostolic United Brethren, a sect of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) and is related to the Mormon religion. And even though the family's faith might seem strange to some, Christine once said that it was her guiding light (before she left the church).

In an interview with the Las Vegas Sun, Christine was asked what it takes to enter into a polygamist marriage. "It's very much a faith-based decision," she responded. "You need a firm connection with God. And, when asked what inspired her, Christine's answer was simple. "We're a very religious family, so Jesus," she said. "Jesus loved people. He is the most courageous man I know." That's one sister wife who knows exactly what she believes.


Sister Wives' Christine has struggled with jealousy issues

One of the most common questions people have for the women in Kody Brown's life is whether or not they get jealous of each other. And for Christine, that was actually a pretty big concern. 

In a clip shared by TLC, Christine revealed that she'd had a "hard time with Robyn." She continued, saying, "I was very jealous of her, jealous of her relationship with Kody." Christine added, "And It's very hard when you're jealous of someone to see them as a person, and not as the enemy."


As the International Business Times reported of a 2015 episode of Sister Wives, Christine and Kody ended up having a session with a therapist during their 21st anniversary trip, during which Christine's jealousy issues came up again. "I reached a point where almost every day is hard," Christine said in the episode, adding that she had to continually deal with her jealousy and anger issues within the plural marriage.

Christine believes she is edited inaccurately on 'Sister Wives'

As is the case with most people on reality shows, the cast of "Sister Wives" has sometimes felt that they were edited to look more upset, dramatic, or just downright angrier than they really were. At least, that's what Kody Brown's third wife, Christine, hinted at. In January 2020, while live-tweeting a new episode of "Sister Wives," Christine let her fans and followers in on a little secret: She wasn't really all that sensational in real life.


"My bratty reaction just makes me cringe," Christine tweeted. "I said very very logical things but ... I'm not bad, just edited that way." It's understandable that Christine would feel defensive over her actions, especially in the case of that particular episode, when the family was arguing about living together again, as In Touch Weekly reported. Whether or not Christine really was edited to look "bad" or "bratty," is still up for debate, but in her mind, that's not quite reality.

Christine Brown announced that she was leaving Kody Brown in 2021

It didn't come as surprising news when Christine Brown announced that she was leaving her polygamist husband, Kody Brown, as the couple's struggles were chronicled on their TLC reality show for years. "After more than 25 years together, Kody and I have grown apart and I have made the difficult decision to leave," Christine wrote on Instagram in November 2021. The statement said the couple would work together to continue supporting their children and "wonderful family." However, Christine made it clear that she wanted some space from her ex-family as she rebuilt her life. 


She told People the straw that broke the camel's back was Kody's lack of support during their daughter Ysabel Brown's scoliosis surgery in September 2020. Christine spent several weeks in New Jersey supporting their teenage daughter during the procedure and recovery, while Kody stayed behind with his other wives and children, as he was afraid of traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic. "He broke my little girl's heart," Christine told the magazine, adding that Kody's lack of support made her lose "respect" for him and help her realize that she "didn't need him anymore." 

Kody's comments about not being "attracted" to her when he married her and no longer wanting an "intimate" relationship with her didn't help the situation. She told the same source, "I needed more communication, more trust, and I realized we didn't really have a partnership."


She moved back to Utah after leaving her polygamist family

Christine Brown hightailed it back to Utah after she left Kody Brown. She expressed an interest in moving back to Utah on Season 10 of "Sister Wives," and was upset when her family didn't agree to move. She brought it up again in Season 17 when her relationship with Kody was dwindling, but this time she was more serious, telling Kody that their youngest child together, Truely, needed a "better support system where she's surrounded by love." 


Christine's main argument was that Kody rarely came over, and Truely spent most of her time alone with her. She wanted to move eight hours from Flagstaff to Salt Lake City to be closer to two of their older kids, Aspyn Thompson and Mykelti Padron, and her only grandchild at the time, Avalon Padron. But Kody wasn't thrilled about it. He shared his feelings in a Season 17 confessional, saying, "I'm disgusted by this idea that she's moving and she's gonna take Truely and move to Utah." It didn't have an impact on her decision, though.

Christine sold their Arizona home for $700,000 in October 2021, and shared a selfie in her new Salt Lake City abode in November 2022. The brand new 2-story (3,490 square foot) duplex had a $1.1 million price tag, according to The Sun. She's shared lots of photos of Truely enjoying family adventures since moving, which indicates that her family support system is indeed strong in Utah. 


She turned her back on polygamy

Christine Brown decided she was done with polygamy after she left Kody Brown. It's not surprising that she gave the lifestyle a chance, as she had a good experience growing up in a polygamist household with one father, two mothers and ten siblings. She told People in August 2022, "I had an ideal childhood. I was raised with so much love," and that she, "only ever wanted a polygamous marriage."


Her "I wanted the family, I didn't just want the man" mantra changed in 2018 when she "stopped believing in polygamy," per the same source. "I really believed in plural marriage and wanted to live it," Christine shared. "I realized I didn't really want to live it anymore. I didn't like sharing a husband or feeling like I wasn't important," Christine revealed, while also declaring that she, "will be a monogamist from here on out". 

Her switch to monogamy seems to be a good decision for her. She told the same source she feels "infinitely stronger that I ever was before" in her new life. "Happier. Oh my gosh, in my soul, I feel so light and easy and powerful," she said. She also made the declaration that she's "definitely heterosexual," after her daughter Gwendlyn Brown announced that she identified as LGBTQ on Season 17 of "Sister Wives" (via People).


She got engaged to David Woolley

Christine Brown announced that she was ready to start casually dating in October 2022. She asked her Instagram followers for dating advice in January 2022 writing, "I'm dating again!! Holy. Hell. Awkward. Dating online is crazy! Any advice for dating at 50?"


She clearly didn't need much help, though, as she announced that she already found someone to date "exclusively" a month later. "He's wonderful and romantic and so kind and everything I've been looking for," the reality star dished on a February 7, 2023 Instagram story (without revealing his identity), according to The Sun.

Christine revealed David Woolley's identity a few days later, writing on Instagram, "I finally found the love of my life, David. The first time he held me close, it felt like my soul took it's first breath. He's wonderful and kind, incredible with my children and an adorable grandpa. I never dreamed I could find a love like this."

The couple moved fast from there, posting lots of proclamations of love for each other and sharing photos of their families starting to blend. Christine announced her engagement to David on April 13, 2023, and a few days later revealed that she was already planning her "second chance" wedding. She listed her $1 million Utah home for rent on around the same time. According to In Touch Weekly, she and David purchased a $770,000 (4,200 square foot) new build home together in Lehi, Utah, prior to David's proposal. 


She kept her mother out of her life for a long time

Christine Brown seemed close with her mother Ruthanne "Annie" Stevens, when Annie moved in her into her Las Vegas home on Season 8 of "Sister Wives. Annie made several appearances on the show. However, they haven't always been close, and Christine even kept her mom at arm's length for several years at one point, according to Showbiz CheatSheet.


You may recall Annie talking about leaving Christine's dad, Rex Allred, on Season 8 of "Sister Wives." Annie later discussed the "dark side" of polygamy in a 1998 documentary, while her daughter was still living the lifestyle as the third wife to Kody Brown, which probably didn't help the relationship. 

"I had a defining moment where I knew I was going to leave. And It was one of the most terrifying moments I've had in my life, 'cause you just don't leave. People don't leave. And I would go in my room and pray a lot because here I was doing life by the book, and I hated my life," Annie said in a "Sister Wives" confessional.

The relationship looked like it improved after Christine left Kody, though. Christine shared a video of her cooking chicken noodle soup with her mom in her TLC "Cooking with Christine" series in September 2022. Both women appeared happy and comfortable while filming, which is hopefully a good sign.


She thinks her daughters are better moms than she was

Christine Brown has said her daughters are better mothers than she was when she was raising her and Kody Brown's six kids, Aspyn, Mykelti, Gwendlyn, Ysabel, Truely and Paedon. "Being a grandma is the best. I get to watch my kids become parents, and Mykelti (Padron) and Maddie (Brush) are better moms than I was at their age. Way better," Christine told People in August 2022. "They're so chill and easy and [set] appropriate expectations for the kids."


As of this writing, Christine shares three grandchildren with Kody Brown. Her daughter Mykelti (and husband Antonio Padron) had her first biological grandchild, Avalon Padron, in April 2021, and twin grandsons, Archer Padron and Ace Padron, in November 2022. In proud mom fashion, Christine called Mykelti "a freakin warrior goddess mother," after she gave birth to the twin boys.

Christine has three other grandchildren, though she isn't their biological grandmother. Her sister wife, Janelle Brown, and Kody are the actual grandparents to Axel, Evangalynn and Josephine, who are the kids of their daughter Maddie (and husband Caleb Brush). In true plural marriage fashion, Christine seems to have a close relationship with all six of the Brown grandchildren, not just her own.


"I adore being an Oma!!" Christine wrote on Instagram in January 2022, adding that, "It's so rewarding watching your children become incredibly amazing parents and then getting this wonderful bundle of love along with it!"

Christine Brown has a side hustle

Christine Brown may have spent the majority of her married life as a stay-at-home mom, but she hasn't shied away from working, either. She helped the Browns launch the online jewelry and clothing boutique My Sisterwife's Closet and sold clothing for LulaRoe prior to leaving Kody. She has continued to do Facebook live videos in her private group "Christine Brown sells LuLaRoe" after leaving him, and also has her "Cooking with Just Christine" and Plexus businesses keeping her afloat. 


Her former sister wife, Janelle Brown, already sold Plexus when she got into it and ranks as a top leader (Diamond Brand Ambassador) in the gut health supplement company. Christine also seems to be doing well, ranking in the "Top VIP Customer Sign Ups" and "Top Business Building Bonuses" in March 2023 (via OK! Magazine). 

In April 2023, Christine announced that she and Janelle were teaming up to promote their Plexus business in Nashville, telling fans the products can help with "weight loss, more energy, gut health, less bloating, (and) mental clarity."

Her daughter Gwendolyn shared that she thinks her mother has had to do a ridiculous amount of work to be financially stable post-Kody. Her reasoning is that Christine wasn't eligible for any type of spousal support because she wasn't legally married to Kody (due to their plural marriage lifestyle).


