Things All Healthy People Eat For Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but only if you do it right. You can supercharge your morning with a superfood or feel like you're running on empty. The choice is up to you. Here are 10 food tips that every healthy person knows will prepare them to seize the day.
Actually eat food, for starters
The first rule of the breakfast club is that you have to actually eat breakfast. Whether you're focused on losing weight or just aren't that hungry in the morning, it can be tempting to skip those calories and go right for lunch. If that sounds like your morning routine, science would like a word with you. In fact, skipping breakfast can increase your risk of diabetes and heart disease, on top of actually making it harder for you to lose weight.
Be a fruit ninja
Adding fruit to your breakfast meal not only provides you with critical vitamins and minerals that help your body meet the day at full strength, but the extra dietary fiber can also help you feel fuller for longer. This simple addition to your breakfast packs a one-two punch of nutrition, and helps you maintain your weight as you're less likely to get the munchies and go overboard for lunch.
Only drink this kind of smoothie
A smoothie is a fantastically healthy way to start your day, but the color is oh-so-important. Why go with green? Because we're talking about a vegetable-based smoothie. With fruit-based smoothies, it's often easy to go overboard and suddenly your nutrient-rich breakfast is sneaking tons of sugar and calories into your diet. Vegetable smoothies, on the other hand, offer a bounty of health benefits like increased energy, crucial antioxidants, and more, all while sparing you the overdose of sugar. It's a win-win!
Make a meal out of oatmeal
Oatmeal is the breakfast triple threat: high-fiber, low-calorie, and loaded with critical minerals your body needs. On top of helping control hunger through high fiber content, oatmeal is naturally gluten-free.
Greece wins the yogurt Olympics
There are so many health benefits to eating Greek yogurt that it's difficult to contain them all in a single paragraph. To begin, it's just plain packed with nutrients. It's also got plenty of protein, which helps keep your stomach from growling even longer after a meal. The calcium Greek yogurt contains has been shown to help with weight loss, too. On top of all that, this superfood is loaded with probiotics to give your immune system a natural boost.
Yes, your coffee addiction is healthy
Coffee is one of the few addictions it's socially acceptable to joke about, and with good reason: it turns out a cup or two a day is fantastic for your health. Studies have shown that it can decrease the risk of Alzheimer's, as well as improve your cardiovascular health. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world, so anything that keeps your heart happy is a great way to start the day.
Make time for tea time
If you're just not a coffee person, there is another option! Tea's many health benefits include protecting your heart, improved weight loss, and cancer-fighting antioxidants. Tea can also help your immune system, as well as help strengthen your teeth and bones.
Enjoy some raspberries
Adding raspberries to your breakfast repertoire provides a lot of familiar benefits like antioxidants and immune-boosting nutrients such as Vitamin C. But did you know they can also help prevent eye disease and arthritis thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties?
Have a spoonful of almond butter
Time Magazine asked five health experts if we should all be eating almond butter, and every single one said yes. Its main draw is that it packs a ton of health benefits into very few calories, including fiber, protein, and healthy fats. They even say that almond butter can contribute to lowering your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. And the cherry on top? It's as easy as adding a spoonful to your smoothie or oatmeal.
Wheat germ, the ultimate superfood
Dr. Oz believes in wheat germ, and so should you. It's nutrient-dense, filled with energy-providing B vitamins and fiber. It can help lower cholesterol thanks to its omega-3 fatty acids and phytosterols. Wheat germ provides your body with vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, and minerals like zinc, calcium, and manganese. As if that wasn't enough, it even contains compounds that can help those who suffer from certain cancers as well as rheumatoid arthritis. The word superfood was invented for wheat germ.