Why You Should Wear Socks When You Sleep

There's nothing like curling up in bed under soft blankets after a long day and blissfully falling asleep. However, not everyone goes to bed easily and that can cause issues. According to the National Institute of Health, sleep is vital when it comes to maintaining normal brain and body function. So if you're having trouble catching some Z's, we have a solution you may have not considered: wearing socks to bed. It may sound weird, but hear us out. 


According to a study in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, folks wearing socks fell asleep an average of 7.5 minutes faster than those with bare feet. Those with socks on also stayed asleep 32 minutes longer and woke up 7.5 fewer times throughout the night. Those numbers definitely add up and make for much better sleep.

More reasons wearing socks to bed is smart

Cold feet and hands could also be a symptom of Raynaud's disease, as reported by Medical News Today. This condition impacts the blood vessels in the skin, and symptoms tend to get worse if a person is stressed or feeling cold. Those that experience this suffer from lack of blood flow to their hands and feet, which causes toes and fingers to feel cold or numb. Luckily, covering up your feet with socks at bedtime can help in lessening symptoms and keep you warm and comfortable throughout the day.


Socks at night can also help women suffering from hot flashes, per Healthline. Menopause can cause a variety of issues like sweating, palpitations, and flushing of the face. Wearing socks at night can help lower your body temperature because hot flashes are caused by hormonal fluctuations that impact the body's internal temperature control. So if you're struggling to get some shut-eye, wearing cozy socks to bed could be the answer.

Socks as part of a sleep hygiene routine

Lowering your body temperature helps with sleep, and while slipping on some socks to help you cool down seems counterintuitive, it will actually help speed up the process. You might think that wearing socks would make you feel too warm, but in reality this technique helps regulate your body's internal clock (via Medical News Today). At bedtime, your body temperature naturally begins to drop slightly, signaling that it's time for sleep. When you warm up your feet, it speeds up this process by dilating blood vessels, which triggers heat to release through the skin. So, wearing socks actually helps cool your core body temperature and makes you feel sleepy.


In fact, a sleep study published in Physiology & Behavior found that adults who wore regular socks or heated ones fell asleep quicker. Who needs a fireplace to warm up your toes when you have heated socks to slip into?

It's clear based on the study that plenty of people might want to tweak their nighttime routines if they want to sleep better. If you, like most of us, want to get the best sleep you can every night, you may want to add a sleep hygiene routine to your before bed rituals. While socks for sleep are just one part of this, your feet should be a major focus. First, before you put your socks on, there are a few things you can do to prepare for satisfying sleep. Massaging your feet before bed can help to increase your circulation and warm up your feet further. Adding capsaicin cream to your regular moisturizer can also help to get your circulation going. You can also warm your socks with a hairdryer before you put them on for added heat. 


The unexpected benefits of socks in bed

In addition to cooling down your body, helping with circulation, and helping you get a better night's sleep, there are two other reasons that you may want to wear some socks to bed, and we have a feeling you won't be able to guess what they are. First, if you, like so many, suffer from dry, cracked feet, sporting socks while you sleep can actually keep the skin on your feet from getting too dry. Start by moisturizing your feet, and then put on a pair of cotton socks. Your feet will keep getting moisturized all night long.


You also have a better chance of orgasming when you're wearing socks. Yes –– you read that right. The BBC cited a study in which couples had sex in a staged environment, with 50% able to achieve orgasm. In the same staged environment when the couples wore socks, 80% of the couples achieved orgasm. As it turns out, there are plenty of times that you're used to taking your socks off that you just may think twice about later. So, whether you're hoping to have an orgasm tonight, or you just want a good night's sleep, put your socks on. You'll thank us later.

