When You Eat Bread Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body

Ah, bread. Is there anything more satisfying than cutting into a freshly baked loaf of bread, or sinking your teeth into a thick piece of toast covered in butter and jam? Whether it's the building blocks of your sandwich or slathered in garlic adjacent to your pasta, bread is a comfort food and a staple for millions of folks around the world.


Bread isn't a monolith, either, as there are countless varieties of this carbohydrate-heavy food. It can be whole grain or processed white, homemade from your sourdough starter or braided challah for a special occasion. Or perhaps it's Indian naan or Ethiopian injera, ready and waiting to soak up the flavors.

While bread may have a bad reputation thanks to the popularity of low-carb diets, the good news is that it can also do a lot of great things for your body (and your mind) if you eat it every day. In fact, eating bread today just might make you feel better tomorrow!  Curious to know how that works? Keep reading to find out what happens to your body when you eat bread every day.

Eating bread every day can help with your fiber intake

Eating bread every day could mean you won't have to drink your bitter fiber supplement quite as much!

According to the American Heart Association, women under 50 should eat 21 to 25 grams of fiber every day, ideally from whole grain sources like wheat and oats. However, most women likely aren't getting their daily minimum fiber requirement, says licensed nutritionist Dr. Julie Miller Jones. "Many people eat only half the amount of fiber that is recommended," she told The List


Fortunately, if you enjoy a slice or two of whole grain toast every morning with your eggs, you're well on your way to getting the fiber you need, says Miller Jones. "Diets with whole grains and fortified breads and cereals are important contributors of folic acid, thiamine, iron and dietary fiber," Miller Jones continued, adding, "Those who daily chose bread and cereal, especially some with bran and whole grains, are more likely to meet the fiber requirement." Of course, that doesn't mean you should wolf down a loaf of bread in a sitting, however. As in all things, moderation is key.

If you eat bread every day, your blood pressure may improve

Apparently, bread is a food that has healing powers. In fact, eating bread every day might actually improve your blood pressure.

Over 100 million adults in America have high blood pressure, as noted by the American Heart Association. However, if you eat bread every day, there's a chance you could be helping to control your numbers. "High blood pressure is a major contributor to cardiovascular risk," cardiovascular exercise physiologist Dr. Siddhartha Angadi shared with The List. He continued, explaining, "Twelve weeks of increased whole grain consumption including bread and cereal reduced systolic blood pressure by 5mm Hg in a randomized controlled trial." Once again, it's the whole grains for the win, and not super processed white bread.


So, how exactly does this kind of bread combat hypertension? Well, there's a lot going on, according to Angadi. "Constituents of whole grains, such as phytochemicals, and nutrients, such as magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc, and fiber, have been shown to lower blood pressure," the doctor explained. That's a whole lot of helpful nutrition in a serving or two of bread!

Eating bread every day may lower your cholesterol

Bread might be the answer for people looking to lower their cholesterol. 

Surprisingly, 95 million American adults have total cholesterol levels over 200 mg/dL, as noted by the CDC. If you're looking to lower your cholesterol levels, try eating bread every day, suggests sports medicine physician Dr. Glenn Gaesser. "Whole grain diets generally have been reported to have a cholesterol-lowering effect," Dr. Gaesser revealed to The List. He continued, saying, "Therefore, daily consumption of whole grain bread could be expected to have a modest cholesterol-lowering effect."


Cardiovascular exercise physiologist Dr. Siddhartha Angadi further explained to The List, "A 2015 meta-analysis showed that overall whole grain consumption (via whole grain bread, pasta, and/or cereals) in the diet lowered LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by 3.5 mg/dl and total cholesterol by 4.6 mg/dl." All hail the mighty power of bread!

Bear in mind that, once again, this only applies to whole grain breads such as Ezekiel Bread – and not breads with processed white flour and extra ingredients like preservatives and sugar. However, whole grain bread just might be a food you should start eating every day for better cholesterol!

Believe it or not, but eating bread every day can help you lose weight

Bread is notorious for being an enemy to weight loss, as anyone who's ever been on a low-carb diet knows. Of course, low-carb diets have been around for several decades — however, in recent years, they've gained mainstream acceptance (via Healthline). This popularity has made bread (and carbs in general) something of a villain — a food to be avoided if you want to lose weight. 


However, as it turns out, bread isn't always a food that will sabotage your diet — as noted by registered dietitian Angela Ginn-Meadow. "Cutting carbs to lose weight can be temporary, but finding a sustainable eating plan to keep the weight off is here to stay," Ginn-Meadow explained to The List. She continued, saying, "It has been found that people who eat more whole grains tends to have lower body weight and smaller waistlines." 

Unless you're committed to the low-carb lifestyle, Ginn-Meadow encourages you to eat a slice of bread or two every day. "One slice of bread contains few calories and fat, but is rich in B vitamins, folate, and fiber," she explained. 

You will feel more satisfied if you eat bread every day

Bread is an immensely popular food for several reasons. Not only does bread have a reputation for being cost-effective and widely available — it's also just simply delicious. 

With all of this in mind, it makes sense that if you eat carbohydrate-rich bread every day, you will likely feel more satisfied. After all, our bodies absolutely love carbs, says registered dietitian Elizabeth Merrill. "Eating bread every day is going to help you stay satisfied, energized, and able to focus on other more important things," Merrill shared with The List. According to Merrill, bread is our brain's preferred energy source over all other foods, which means your noggin will thank you.


Quite opposite effect may occur if you don't allow bread in the house, says Merrill. "If you restrict bread, or other sources of carbs (like pasta, rice, cereal), your body is naturally going to crave them and have an unfulfilled need," the dietician continued. In other words, you may find yourself caving into that pasta craving, or eating cheat meals more than you should when you're on a low-carb diet.

If you eat bread every day, you may be less likely to binge eat

Good news, bread lovers: Eating this tasty food every day could train your brain to normalize eating carbs, possibly making binge-eating less likely to happen.

Feeling full and satisfied is something most people experience after finishing a good meal. However, for folks with an eating disorder, satiety can be a much more loaded concept. That said, eating a few slices of bread every day might empower your food choices, according to registered dietitian nutritionist Megan Hadley. "By eating bread every day you will be less likely to binge-eat or feel out of control around bread," Hadley revealed to The List. She continued, saying, "Restriction is the number one predictor of binge or 'over' eating behavior." So, if you're fan of bread but refuse to allow it in your diet, you might find yourself going haywire over your favorite restaurant's free bread basket. 


Once again, moderation is the key to maximum comfort with your old friend, bread. "There is nothing bad about bread, and by eating and enjoying it every day, you will find a more relaxed balance with it," added Hadley.

Your mood may improve if you eat bread every day

Bread has the power to turn that frown upside down!

When you close your eyes and picture your favorite comfort foods, what do you see? If bread or toast popped to mind, you're not alone. "As a recent national survey by the Grain Foods Foundation found, bread and pasta are the 'top-rated' comfort foods in terms of nutrition, with roughly a third of Americans calling them comfort foods and a third calling them nutritious," licensed nutritionist Dr. Julie Miller Jones told The List. This sets bread apart from foods like candy or cake, which have little nutritional value — even if they put a smile on your face.


So, if you're finding that eating bread every day is boosting your mood, that's completely normal, says Dr. Miller Jones. "We want the security, nostalgia, and comfort that bread and flour products provide," the doctor explained. In other words, if making sourdough (and eating sourdough) makes you feel better after a bad day, you should totally go for it without feeling guilty.

You may feel more connected if you eat bread every day

Could bread have the power to help form human connections? Some experts certainly believe so!

Human beings have been baking and eating bread for 14,000 years, as noted by NPR. Obviously, that's a long, long time. So, when you partake of the ancient ritual of eating bread every day, don't be surprised if you feel a bit closer to your ancestors. "You may feel emotionally connected to others because you are taking your place in a long, interconnected line of humanity," psychiatrist Dr. Rebecca Kuhns revealed to The List. She continued, saying, "Bread in some form has sustained our ancestors throughout the past ten thousand years, and thus has come to represent community, shared experiences, and civilization itself."


That ability to find legitimate human connection, with both the living and the long passed on, is something that Dr. Kuhns views as an extremely important tradition. "I encourage my clients to enjoy bread without guilt," she explained. Added Dr. Kuhns, "Our bodies and souls truly crave 'breaking bread' with fellow humans."

Eating bread every day can increase your energy levels

Apparently, bread could give you a burst of much-needed energy — so perhaps you should take some with you on your next hike.

According to Harvard University, it's important to eat a balanced diet that includes whole grains in order to be properly nourished. So, if you make sure whole grain bread is a regular part of your daily diet, you may have more energy — as noted by registered dietician Amanda A. Kostro Miller. "If you have been cutting out or reducing carbs, you may be feeling fatigued," Kostro Miller explained to The List. She continued, saying, "Carbohydrates give us energy and they are the body's preferred energy source." According to the dietician, it's difficult to function at our absolute best without carbs — so eating bread every day is a perfectly rational food choice.


Kostro Miller also believes that bread shouldn't be as maligned as it is, either. "Bread gets such a bad rap, but it can be ultra-satisfying and healthy for you," she continued. In addition, Kostro Miller did caution folks to be mindful of how much bread they're eating, as portion control is an incredibly important part of eating healthy.

If you eat bread every day, your risk of multiple chronic diseases decreases

A piece of bread a day keeps the doctor away, apparently. 

According to the CDC, the number one cause of death in America is heart disease, which claims 647,457 lives every year. Right on its heels is cancer in the number two spot, which kills 599,108 Americans annually. So, if you're looking to do all that you can to avoid becoming one of those statistics, some experts suggest eating a few slices of bread every day. "Whole grain bread consumption is associated with an approximately 20 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease, an approximately 10 to 15 percent lower risk of cancer, and an approximately 20 percent lower risk of death from any cause," sports medicine physician Dr. Glenn Gaesser told The List


Additionally, eating bread of any kind (and not just whole grain) has health benefits, says Gaesser. "Total bread consumption (whole grain and non-whole grain) is associated with a 20 to 25 percent reduction in death from any cause," he continued. 

Eating bread every day could decrease your diabetes risk

Bread doesn't exactly have a reputation of being a pal to diabetics. However, things aren't always as they seem.

Diabetes is on the rise around the world, as noted by the World Health Organization. Between 1980 and 2014, the number of folks who have the disease increased from 108 million to 422 million, as did the number of people who died as a result of the condition. That said, if you're concerned you might be at risk for diabetes, try eating bread every day. "A 2017 meta-analysis showed that increased consumption of whole grains (often in the form of bread products) significantly reduced post-meal increases in blood glucose and insulin," cardiovascular exercise physiologist Dr. Siddhartha Angadi explained to The List. Of course, that reduction blood of glucose and insulin can help you fight diabetes, as long as you keep portion control in mind.


But not all bread is created equal, as some of it can do the opposite, as certified personal trainer Sergio Pedemonte shared with The List. "White bread is considered starchy and is quickly absorbed into the blood system much the same way as refined sugar," Pedemonte explained. 

Eating bread every day might be a good idea if you're prepping for pregnancy

Bread might be a popular food craving for pregnant women everywhere. However, it could also be a go-to food for women who plan to get pregnant in the future.

Whether it's getting your finances in order, figuring out child care, or dealing with serious bodily changes — bringing a new life into the world can upend your world (via The New York Times). If you find yourself nodding in agreement with that statement, know that there are some things you can control right now. "Preparing for pregnancy is not an easy task, but eating healthy is a smart start," registered dietician Angela Ginn-Meadow told The List. She continued, saying, "If you are a woman of child bearing age, reach for nutrients to benefit your baby."


The good news is that one very important nutrient can be found in your daily bread, as noted by Ginn-Meadow. "Folic acid found in bread and other grains can lower the risk of neural tube defects in early pregnancy," the registered dietician revealed. She continued, saying, "Don't feel guilty — grab a slice and savor every bite for the benefits."

If you eat bread every day, you may struggle with inflammation

Of course, eating bread every day can cause some not-so-desirable side effects.

While eating whole grain bread every day in moderation is generally a good idea, eating white bread made with refined carbohydrates can cause inflammation — according to certified nutritionist Shelley Gawith. "When our guts are out of balance, we can experience inflammation in our bodies," Gawith revealed to The List. She continued, saying, "That has a whole range of side effects, from not being able to shift stubborn weight, to creating an imbalance of our hormones, to causing anxiety." It can also raise blood sugar levels, and increase your risk for various diseases, as noted by Healthline.


To that end, Gawith recommends selecting a different type of bread to make your daily sandwich. "If you are able to source a whole grain sourdough, then this can be very beneficial," the certified nutritionist continued. Added Gawith, "[By eating whole grain sourdough], you would be getting a whole bunch of fermented foods for your [healthy] gut bacteria."

Your body will be adversely impacted by eating certain bread every day

Not all bread is made the same — which is why it's important to be selective about the type of bread you're eating every day.

It's not just an increase in inflammation that can result if you eat bread made from refined carbs every day. In fact, there are a few different adverse health impacts you may experience if you eat a loaf of Wonder Bread daily. "You will increase your risk of heart disease if you consume too much white bread in particular," certified nutrition coach Elliot Reimers explained to The List. He continued, saying, "It can also lead to obesity if not eaten as part of a healthy diet." Of course, obesity is known to cause an increased risk of other conditions, such as sleep apnea, digestive problems, and osteoarthritis, according to the Mayo Clinic.


You also may find your cholesterol and blood pressure numbers on the rise if you eat white bread every day, as noted by Reimers. That's why the certified nutrition coach suggests reaching for whole grain options when you can — and (of course) practicing moderation where and when you can.

