Michelle Money Gives An Emotional Update Following Her Daughter's Accident

Former Bachelor contestant Michelle Money recently gave a heartbreaking update about her daughter, Brielle, who landed in the ICU after she fractured her skull in a skateboarding accident on March 29. Michelle previously revealed in an Instagram post that Brielle had "suffered a serious brain trauma" and was put into "a medically induced coma to relieve pressure in her brain" following the accident.


One week later, Michelle is still trying to process everything. "I just realized that exactly one week ago, my neighbor was on the phone with 911," Michelle said on her Instagram Story on April 5 (via Us Weekly). "Exactly one week ago, 6 p.m. The call was made, and it truly saved her life. I am so eternally grateful for my neighbors who found her... and for all the good things that have happened this week. There have been a lot of blessings."

Michelle added, "I can't believe a whole week has gone by. I just can't believe this is my life right now. I can't believe it. It is so amazing how things can change in a second and your whole life is thrown upside down."

Michelle Money said that she might need 'to consider a different option' for treatment

After she updated her Instagram Story, Michelle revealed in an Instagram video that Brielle is not recovering as well as she had hoped. "Last night was so scary," she wrote in the caption. "Brain pressure is up. Considering other options since it can't be managed with what we are currently doing. However, once I posted to my story asking you to pray, her numbers went down lower and have maintained since then... If we can't see a turn for the better today we have to consider a different option and they are not what we want to be doing."


Once again, the Bachelor alum asked people to continue to pray for her and for her family. "Sorry for the emotional video I just don't know what else to do and I'm alone in here and need support," she added.

